
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Predicting the thermal conductivity of aluminium alloys in the cryogenic to room temperature range2005/06/01English50
Effect of flow maldistribution and axial conduction on compact microchannel heat exchanger2014/03/01English50
Coupling losses in superconducting transposed conductors located in changing magnetic fields1989/09/01English50
High temperature superconducting current leads for cryogenic apparatus1989/12/01English50
Critical currents of a superconductor of the second kind1964/04/01English50
Thermodynamic design of methane liquefaction system based on reversed-Brayton cycle2009/06/01English50
JackPot: A novel model to study the influence of current non-uniformity and cabling patterns in cable-in-conduit conductors2010/03/01English50
Thermal–electrical analogy for simulations of superconducting fault current limiters2014/07/01English49
Development of highly effective cryogenic printed circuit heat exchanger (PCHE) with low axial conduction2012/07/01English49
Thick film chip resistors for use as low temperature thermometers1986/08/01English49
Lumped-Element Dynamic Electro-Thermal model of a superconducting magnet2016/12/01English49
Thermal expansion of vanadium, niobium, and tantalum at low temperatures1962/09/01English49
Alternating field losses in superconducting wires carrying dc transport currents: Part 1 single core conductors1979/12/01English49
The low temperature magnetic properties of austenitic Fe-Cr-Ni alloys1976/11/01English49
The effects of neutron irradiation damage on the superconducting properties of Nb3Sn1974/07/01English49
Transient heat transport in He II1979/07/01English49
Prediction of the viscosity and thermal conductivity coefficients of mixtures1976/11/01English48
Critical current limitations in ceramic oxide superconductors1989/03/01English48
Fracture and strength properties of selected austenitic stainless steels at cryogenic temperatures1981/07/01English48
Design and dynamic behaviour investigation of a novel VOC recovery system based on a deep condensation process2020/04/01English48
CFD simulation of a 300Hz thermoacoustic standing wave engine2010/09/01English47
Scaling law for the ac losses of multifilament superconductors1977/11/01English47
Influences of temperature and contact pressure on thermal contact resistance at interfaces at cryogenic temperatures2012/07/01English47
Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on microstructure and evaluation by internal friction of a tool steel2010/11/01English47
Development of a cryogen-free continuous ADR for the constellation-X mission2004/06/01English47
A new boil-off gas re-liquefaction system for LNG carriers based on dual mixed refrigerant cycle2018/06/01English47
Feasibility of electrocaloric refrigeration for the 4–15 K temperature range1979/04/01English47
Analysis of optimum configuration of two-stage thermoelectric modules2007/02/01English46
CFD investigation of thermal and pressurization performance in LH2 tank during discharge2013/10/01English46
Change of interstrand contact resistance and coupling loss in various prototype ITER NbTi conductors with transverse loading in the Twente Cryogenic Cable Press up to 40,000 cycles2004/05/01English46