Astrophysics and Space Science

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The periods of stellar models with linked poloidal-toroidal magnetic fields1978/07/01English
The gamma-ray luminosity of spiral galaxies. Its evolution and its contribution to the diffuse background above 100 MeV1978/07/01English
L-bursts in Jupiter's decametric radio spectra1978/07/01English
Plasma laser star model of QSOs1978/07/01English
List of forthcoming papers1978/07/01English
Statistical study of Am stars in spectroscopic binary systems1978/07/01English
The evaluation of the interplanetary diffusion coefficient for energetic particles employing real magnetic field data1978/07/01English
Exact solution to radiation-filled Brans-Dicke closed space cosmology1978/07/01English
Interpretation of the metric tensor components based on possible astrophysical implications1978/07/01English
Observational Effects of Strong gravity2005/11/01English
Molecular signature of star formation at high redshifts2007/09/11English
Luminous infrared galaxies with the submillimeter array: probing the extremes of star formation2007/09/11English
Observations of molecular clouds in nearby galaxies with ALMA2007/09/09English
Planetary nebulae and ALMA2007/09/09English
Planar solitonic filaments in solar physics2007/10/09English
Molecular outflows observed with ALMA2007/10/11English
Investigations of star formation in galaxies using ALMA2007/10/06English
Molecular clouds and star formation in the Magellanic Clouds and the Milky Way2007/10/10English
Photometric analysis of recently discovered eclipsing binary GSC 00008-009012007/11/21English
MHD instability due to non-homogeneity and non-uniformity of magnetic field in gravitating medium and its consequences in the central region of galaxies2007/11/13English
The impact of subhalos on the gamma-ray signal from dark matter annihilation2007/05/08English
New period study of the eclipsing binary V865 Cygni2007/05/15English
The example of effective plasma acceleration in a magnetosphere2007/03/17English
Intrinsic spectra of the AXPs2007/03/20English
Thermal emission areas of heated neutron star polar caps2007/03/27English
10 years of RXTE monitoring of anomalous X-ray pulsar 4U 0142+61: long-term variability2007/03/21English
Spin-down of young pulsars with a fallback disk2007/03/21English
Importance of Compton scattering for radiation spectra of isolated neutron stars2007/03/22English
Abstracts of forthcoming papers1974/08/01English