Astrophysics and Space Science

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Analytic forms of the perpendicular cosmic ray diffusion coefficient for an arbitrary turbulence spectrum and applications on transport of Galactic protons and acceleration at interplanetary shocks2009/10/18English78
Shadow of rotating wormhole in plasma environment2016/06/14English78
LZIFU: an emission-line fitting toolkit for integral field spectroscopy data2016/08/03English77
Existence and stability of triangular points in the restricted three-body problem with numerical applications2012/07/18English77
A Mechanism for Producing Short-Period Binaries2006/08/29English77
Isolated neutron stars: magnetic fields, distances,and spectra2007/03/20English77
Compact models with regular charge distributions2012/10/23English77
Cosmology from induced matter model applied to 5D f(R,T) theory2014/03/26English76
Hamilton’s approach in cosmological inflation with an exponential potential and its observational constraints2019/04/01English76
Analysis of the potential field and equilibrium points of irregular-shaped minor celestial bodies2014/06/27English76
A new class of Bianchi cosmological models in f(R,T) gravity2012/08/23English76
Some analytical models of anisotropic strange stars2015/12/09English76
Orbits and manifolds near the equilibrium points around a rotating asteroid2013/09/19English76
Collinear equilibrium points of Hill’s problem with radiation and oblateness and their fractal basins of attraction2010/01/01English75
Zakharov-Kuznetsov-Burgers equation in superthermal electron-positron-ion plasma2011/06/02English74
Formation of early water oceans on rocky planets2010/11/16English74
Compact stars with quadratic equation of state2015/04/18English72
Anisotropic quintessence stars2013/11/12English72
Dust ion-acoustic solitary and shock waves in a dusty plasma with non-thermal electrons2010/02/09English72
Noether gauge symmetry approach in f(R) gravity2011/09/06English72
Geodesic study of regular Hayward black hole2014/06/10English70
The trigonometric parallax of the neutron star Geminga2007/03/20English70
Recent progress on anomalous X-ray pulsars2007/03/16English69
Gravitational perfect fluid collapse in f(R) gravity2010/07/27English69
Singularity-free anisotropic strange quintessence star2014/12/17English69
The blazar sequence: validity and predictions2007/04/27English68
de Sitter expansion with anisotropic fluid in Bianchi type-I space-time2010/01/13English68
Five steps in the evolution from protoplanetary to debris disk2015/05/13English67
Anisotropic compact stars in f(T) gravity2015/05/13English67
Stability of the photogravitational restricted three-body problem with variable masses2010/01/15English67