Astrophysics and Space Science

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The evolution of helium-rich subdwarf-B stars2004/01/01English
The Subdwarf Database2004/01/01English
Photometric Studies of O-type Hot Subdwarfs2004/01/01English
MSST observations of the pulsating sdB star PG 1605+0722004/01/01English
Helium-rich EHB Stars in Globular Clusters2004/01/01English
KR Cygni: a near-contact eclipsing binary?2004/01/01English
Companions to sdB binaries-degenerate or non-degenerate?2004/01/01English
An Historical Overview2004/01/01English
Numerical Simulations of the Interaction of Jets with the Intracluster Medium2004/01/01English
Committees and Sponsors2004/01/01English
Agn Jet Modeling: Setting the Stage2004/01/01English
MHD Simulations of Relativistic Jets2004/01/01English
Simulating Magnetized Jets2004/01/01English
MHD Simulations of Crab's Jet and Torus2004/01/01English
Astrophysical Jet Simulations: Comparing Different Numerical Methods2004/01/01English
Steady and Time-Dependent MHD Modelling of Jets2004/01/01English
MHD Outflows from Hot Coronae2004/01/01English
Letter to the Editor: The collisional broadening of carbon radio recombination lines2004/01/01English
Axisymmetric Simulations of Pulsar Wind Nebulae with a New Central-Type Scheme for Relativistic MHD2004/01/01English
How Can Jets Survive MHD Instabilities?2004/01/01English
Towards the Unified Theory of Slow Modes in Stellar Galactic Discs2004/01/01English
Instructions for Authors2004/01/01English
Experiments and Numerical Simulations on the Mid-Term Evolution of Hypersonic Jets2004/01/01English
Interpreting the Observations of Herbig–Haro Jets2004/01/01English
Properties of Knots in Cooling Stellar Jets2004/01/01English
Stability of Relativistic Hydrodynamical Planar Jets: Linear and Nonlinear Evolution of Kelvin-Helmholtz Modes2004/01/01English
Virtual Versus Real Jets: New Clues from the Hubble Space Telescope2004/01/01English
Code Development of Three-Dimensional General Relativistic Hydrodynamics with AMR (Adaptive-Mesh Refinement) and Results from Special and General Relativistic Hydrodynamics2004/01/01English