Indian Journal of Ophthalmology - Case Reports

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Unilateral open-angle glaucoma associated with ipsilateral Naevus of Ota2022/01/01English1
Bilateral plasmacytoma of extraocular muscles presenting with orbital inflammation2022/01/01English1
Orbital fine needle aspiration cytology: An effective diagnostic tool for orbital mucormycocysis2023/01/01English
Lower eyelid blepharoplasty - The evolution and way ahead2023/01/01English
Small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) surgery as an effective strategy to treat Megalocornea: A case report2023/01/01English
Juveline ocular factitious disease and its psychological implications2023/01/01English
Bilateral dense coin-like lenticular opacities in an infant2023/01/01English
Treatment of tuberous sclerosis complex-associated retinal astrocytic hamartoma complicated with vitreous hemorrhage2023/01/01English
A case of postoperative sclerotomy site infection secondary to hordeolum externum2023/01/01English
A case of Listeria keratitis postkeratoplasty and review of literature2023/01/01English
Bilateral hypopyon uveitis in carcinoma of breast: Masquerade syndrome and review of literature2023/01/01English
Unilateral isolated macular coloboma with full-thickness macular hole—Case report2023/01/01English
Macular vortex vein causing pachychoroid epitheliopathy in a patient with normal axial length2023/01/01English
Isolated foveal hypoplasia – A case report2023/01/01English
Ribcage sign: A novel morphology of congenital cataract with preexisting posterior capsular defect (PPCD)2023/01/01English
Swept-source anterior segment optical coherence tomography in mature cataract for preoperative diagnosis of hidden posterior polar cataract2023/01/01English
Isolated unilateral double eyelid coloboma2023/01/01English
Pigmented paravenous retinochoroidal atrophy2023/01/01English
Late-onset capsular bag distension syndrome drainage captured on SSOCT2023/01/01English
Structure–function correlation in diagnosis of glaucoma2023/01/01English
Autologous Tenon's patch graft for corneal perforation management and review of literature2023/01/01English
Serous macular detachment in a case of posterior microphthalmos: A rare manifestation of pachychoroid spectrum2023/01/01English
Fibrinous nodular anterior segment membrane as a presentation of chronic postoperative Aspergillus endophthalmitis2023/01/01English
Case report: A rare case of Epstein-Barr virus with ocular manifestation2023/01/01English
Transvitreal fibrinoid reaction2023/01/01English
Salvaging the sight of a 6-year-old keratoconic kid with vernal keratoconjunctivitis2023/01/01English
Phthiriasis palpebrarum: A case report and brief review of literature2023/01/01English
Cytarabine and the eye: Exploring the benign yet debilitating corneal epithelial toxicity2023/01/01English
Cataracta octopoda: Complex anterior pyramidal and sutural cataract simulating an octopus configuration2023/01/01English
Pseudo optic disc duplication in association with posterior staphyloma2023/01/01English