Advanced Biomedical Engineering

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Diffuse Speckle Contrast Analysis (DSCA) for Deep Tissue Blood Flow Monitoring2020/01/01English6
Position Control of Ultrasound Transducer by Parallel Link Robot for Ultrasonic Therapy in Blood Vessel2013/01/01English6
Effects of Eccentric Impeller Position on Radial Passive Stability in a Magnetically Levitated Centrifugal Blood Pump with a Double Volute2018/01/01English5
Research on an Anomaly Detection Method for Physical Condition Change of Elderly People in Care Facilities2022/01/01English5
A Preliminary Study on a Voided Volume Measuring Method Using Noncontact Temperature Sensors under the Toilet Seat2019/01/01English5
Directional Dependence of Cyclic Stretch-induced Cell Migration in Wound Healing Process of Monolayer Cells2019/01/01English5
The Dehydroepiandrosterone Awakening Response as a Possible Index of Subjective Sleep Quality2016/01/01English5
Auditory Steady-State Responses in Magnetoencephalogram and Electroencephalogram:Phenomena, Mechanisms, and Applications2013/01/01English5
Response of Human Skin Fibroblasts to Mechanical Stretch in Wound Healing Process Analyzed Using a Three-Dimensional Culture Model2015/01/01English5
Quantitative Evaluation of Lipid Volume Fraction in Atherosclerotic Plaque Phantoms by Near-infrared Multispectral Imaging at Wavelengths around 1200 nm2015/01/01English5
Hard-wired Central Pattern Generator Hardware Network for Quadrupedal Locomotion Based on Neuron and Synapse Models2015/01/01English5
Automatic Doppler Volume Fusion of 3D Ultrasound using Point-based Registration of Shared Bifurcation Points2015/01/01English5
Mental Fatigue Measurement Based on the Changes in Flicker Perception Threshold using Consumer Mobile Devices2013/01/01English4
A Deep Learning System to Diagnose COVID-19 Pneumonia Using Masked Lung CT Images to Avoid AI-generated COVID-19 Diagnoses that Include Data outside the Lungs2022/01/01English4
Skin Electrical Impedance Model for Evaluation of the Thickness and Water Content of the Stratum Corneum2022/01/01English4
Determination of Hiesho among Young Japanese Females using Thermographic Technique2021/01/01English4
<i>In Silico</i> Blood Glucose Control for Type 1 Diabetes with Meal Announcement Using Carbohydrate Intake and Glycemic Index2016/01/01English4
The Exercise Load of Passengers' Postural Control Against Ship Motion Using Human Energy Expenditure2015/01/01English4
Ergonomic Assessment of a Laparoscopic Stapler2013/01/01English4
Irradiation Effects on Cholesteryl Ester and Porcine Thoracic Aorta of Quantum Cascade Laser in 5.7-µm Wavelength Range for Less-invasive Laser Angioplasty2012/01/01English4
Automated Cardiovascular Drug Infusion System to Control Hemodynamics2013/01/01English4
Navigation System with Augmented Reality for Ultrasonic Microbubble Delivery Therapy2012/01/01English4
Correlation between Autistic Traits and Gait Characteristics while Two Persons Walk Toward Each Other2018/01/01English4
Mechanical Machining-based Three-Dimensional Electrode Array for Chronic Neural Stimulation2016/01/01English4
Dialysate with High Partial Pressure of Oxygen Enhances Oxygenation in Blood during Simulated Circulation of Hemodialysis2012/01/01English3
Dynamical Cortical Activations Associated with Saccade Execution: A Normalized Integrative fMRI-MEG Study2012/01/01English3
Seamless Monitoring of Physiological Information in Daily Life: Retrospectives and Perspectives2015/01/01English3
A Theoretical Study on a Computational Algorithm for Human Posture Estimation Based on Motion Capture of a Small Number of Markers2013/01/01English3
3D Ultrasound Navigation System with Reconstruction of Blood Vessel Network for Microbubble Delivery Therapy2014/01/01English3
Analysis of Heterogeneous Deformation in the Wall of Rabbit Thoracic Aorta at Microscopic Level2019/01/01English3