Optical Engineering

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Display of local activity using dynamical speckle patterns2002/02/01English92
Adaptive anomaly detection using subspace separation for hyperspectral imagery2003/11/01English91
Quantitative prediction of the modulation behavior of twisted nematic liquid crystal displays based on a simple physical model2001/11/01English91
Optical image encryption based on XOR operations1999/01/01English91
Photonic Computing Using The Modified Signed-Digit Number Representation1986/01/01English91
Multilayers For X-Ray Optics1986/08/01English90
New compensating four-phase algorithm for phase-shift interferometry1993/01/01English90
Determination of the physical properties of an arbitrary twisted-nematic liquid crystal cell1994/08/01English90
Influence Of Nonuniformity On Infrared Focal Plane Array Performance1985/08/01English89
Detection of dim targets in digital infrared imagery by morphological image processing1996/07/01English89
Cone-beam tomography: recent advances and a tutorial review1990/01/01English88
Wavelet analysis for the elimination of striping noise in satellite images2001/07/01English87
Noninvasive near‐infrared topography of human brain activity using intensity modulation spectroscopy1996/04/01English87
Elimination of systematic error in subpixel accuracy centroid estimation [also Letter 34(11)3347-3348(Nov1995)]1991/01/01English86
Design and analysis of an image transfer system using microlens arrays1994/11/01English86
New materials and their characterization for photonic device applications1992/01/01English85
Evanescent-wave gas sensing using microstructure fiber2002/01/01English85
Absolute Calibration Of An Optical Flat1984/08/01English84
Speckle Statistics With A Small Number Of Scatterers1984/08/01English84
Vector Scattering Theory1979/04/01English83
Temperature-insensitive and strain-insensitive long-period grating sensors for smart structures1997/07/01English83
Digital recording and numerical reconstruction of holograms: reduction of the spatial frequency spectrum1996/04/01English83
Concept of polarization entropy in optical scattering1995/06/01English83
Infrared image sensors1991/01/01English82
Determination Of Atomic Lifetimes Using Laser-Induced Fluorescence From Sputtered Metal Vapor1983/10/01English81
Tunable Fabry-Perot Filters1981/12/01English81
Contrast-based image fusion using the discrete wavelet transform2000/08/01English81
Miro´: Complete modeling and software for pulse amplification and propagation in high-power laser systems2003/06/01English80
Optical Properties Of The Marine Aerosol As Predicted By The Navy Aerosol Model1983/02/01English80
Measurement of the Finish of Diamond-Turned Metal Surfaces By Differential Light Scattering1977/08/01English80