The Explicator

Title Publication Date Language Citations
“A Truly Carnivalesque Death”: On Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado”2023/10/02English
Extraordinary Countenance: An Examination of Gender and Sexual Identity Through Etymology in Nella Larsen’s Passing2024/04/03English
Tolkien, Shakespeare, Trees, and The Lord of the Rings2024/04/09English
Is Wilfred Owen’s “Anthem for Doomed Youth” an Anti-Elegy? A Comparison with Thomas Gray’s “Elegy Written in a Country Church Yard”2024/04/09English
Symbolic meanings of a caged parrot in Nikos Kazantzakis’s Zorba the Greek2024/04/09English
Women and the Bicycle in D. H. Lawrence’s The Rainbow and The Lost Girl2024/03/29English
Failed Seduction: Narratorial Authority in Katherine Mansfield’s “a Dill Pickle”2024/03/29English
The Jacqueminot Rose in Edith Wharton’s The Age of Innocence2024/03/19English
“The spatial symbolism of Gregor’s room in Kafka’s The Metamorphosis ”2023/10/02English
The Ambivalent Garden and Wordsworth’s Shadow in Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s “The Deserted Garden”2024/03/19English
Thomas Hardy’s Racialization of English Natives in The Return of the Native2023/10/02English
“Quite Convivial”: A Butler’s Duty in Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day2023/10/02English
Alchemical Decknamen in Shakespeare’s Sonnet 332023/10/02English
Wollstonecraft’s critical reviews on Gilpin’s picturesque2023/10/02English
Kindness and Sympathy in Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility2023/10/02English
Moral Dogma and Ethical Relativity in Joseph Conrad’s Almayer’s Folly2022/10/02English
The Phenomena of Nothingness in de la Mare’s “The Listeners”2022/10/02English
Ambiguity in Yeats’s “the Hosting of the Sidhe”2022/10/02English
Gender Performance in Jim Shepard’s “Minotaur”2023/01/02English
“A Mind of Winter”: Affect in Wallace Stevens’ “The Snow Man”2023/01/02English
‘Ac ic to þam grunde genge’: an analogue for Genesis B, line 834a2022/10/02English
A literal reading of the shadow in “Ligeia:” Coleridge’s remarks on Ghosts and Poe’s poetics of misdirection2022/10/02English
“Of coyotes and werewolves: Bret Easton Ellis’ Less Than Zero”2022/10/02English
Whose Slavery is it?: Colson Whitehead’s The Underground Railroad2024/04/18English
Atheism vs Theism: Conflict and Ambiguity in Dylan Thomas’s “Poem on his Birthday”2024/04/13English
Paradise or Paralysis: Mary Shelley’s Ambivalence in Frankenstein2024/04/15English
Beowulfian Archetypes: The Case of Hrómundr Gripsson2024/04/19English
Carving the I/Eye: The Chiasmus Structure in A. C. Swinburne’s “Hermaphroditus”2024/04/23English
TWELFTH NIGHT: Malvolio and the Tudor Heresy Trials2023/04/03English
The Underthought of John Milton’s Samson Agonistes in Gerard Manley Hopkins’s “My own heart let me more have pity on.”2023/04/03English