Journal of Cognition

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Listening to Contemporary Art Music: A Morphodynamic Model of Cognition2023/01/01English
Lexical Feedback in the Time-Invariant String Kernel (TISK) Model of Spoken Word Recognition2024/01/01English
Correction: Language Experience Predicts Eye Movements During Online Auditory Comprehension2024/01/01English
Mechanisms of Cognitive Change: Training Improves the Quality But Not the Quantity of Visual Working Memory Representations2023/01/01English
The Exceptions and the Rules in Global Musical Diversity2023/01/01English
When Does Episodic Memory Contribute to Performance in Tests of Working Memory?2023/01/01English
Contextual and Temporal Constraints for Attentional Capture: Commentary on Theeuwes’ 2023 Review “The Attentional Capture Debate: When Can We Avoid Salient Distractors and when Not?”2023/01/01English
A New Corpus of Lexical Substitution and Word Blend Errors: Probing the Semantic Structure of Lemma Access Failures2023/01/01English
Chunking of Control: An Unrecognized Aspect of Cognitive Resource Limits2023/01/01English
Should We Turn off the Music? Music with Lyrics Interferes with Cognitive Tasks2023/01/01English
The Semantic Similarity Effect on Short-Term Memory: Null Effects of Affectively Defined Semantic Similarity2024/01/01English
Orthographic and Phonological Code Activation in Deaf and Hearing Readers2024/01/01English
Do Love You Me? Failure to Notice Word Transpositions is Induced by Parallel Word Processing2024/01/01English
A Blessing in Disguise: Flanking Words Can Cancel Language Switch Costs2024/01/01English
Are Faster Participants Always Faster? Assessing Reliability of Participants’ Mean Response Speed in Picture Naming2024/01/01English
Determinants of Face Recognition: The Role of Target Prevalence and Similarity2024/01/01English
Sand, Sandpaper, and Sandwiches: Evidence From a Masked Compound Priming Task in L1 and L2 Speakers of English2024/01/01English
Modelling of Musical Perception using Spectral Knowledge Representation2024/01/01English
Examining Letter Detector Tolerance through Offset Letter Halves: Evidence from Lexical Decision2023/01/01English
Brain Signatures of Embodied Semantics and Language: A Consensus Paper2023/01/01English
Consensus Paper: Situated and Embodied Language Acquisition2023/01/01English
Foreign and Regional Languages Make You Less Deontological2024/01/01English
Michelangelo Effect in Virtual Sculpturing: Prospective for Motor Neurorehabilitation in the Metaverse2024/01/01English
If My Memory Serves Me Well: Investigating My Memory for the Past 24 Years2024/01/01English
Insights from Eye Blinks into the Cognitive Processes Involved in Visual Word Recognition2024/01/01English
Multilingualism at the Market: A Pre-registered Immersive Virtual Reality Study of Bilingual Language Switching2024/01/01English
Explaining the Sentence Superiority Effect and N400s Elicited by Words and Short Sentences with OB1-Reader2024/01/01English
Egocentric and Allocentric Spatial Memory for Body Parts: A Virtual Reality Study2024/01/01English
Does Foreign-Accented Speech Affect Credibility? Evidence from the Illusory-Truth Paradigm2024/01/01English
Using Reappraisal to Improve Outcomes for STEM Teachers and Students2023/01/01English