Health, Risk & Society

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Book Reviews2003/11/01English
The Reality of Precaution: Comparing Risk Regulation in the United States and Europe2012/02/01English
Rationality and Ritual: Participation and Exclusion in Nuclear Decision-Making, 2nd edition2012/02/01English
Sex and risk: An editorial2012/02/01English
Uncertainty in Policy Making: Values and Evidence in Complex Decisions2012/02/01English
Book Reviews2000/07/01English
Book Reviews2001/07/01English
Risk, Health and Globalisation: A special issue2001/03/01English
Editorial board page for “Health, Risk & Society”, Volume 1, Number 21999/07/01English
Health Care through the Lens of Risk Call for Papers for a four part Special Issue ofHealth, Risk & Society2011/03/30English
Social work, politics and society: from radicalism to orthodoxy2009/04/01English
The GM debate: Risk, politics and public engagement2011/09/01English
Four Edition Special Issue ofHealth, Risk and SocietyHealth Care through the Lens of Risk2011/09/01English
Risk, safety, and clinical practice: Health care through the lens of risk2011/09/01English
Is breast best? Taking on the breastfeeding experts and the new high stakes of motherhood2011/09/01English
Risk assessment and management in mental health nursing2011/09/01English
Risk: An introduction2011/09/01English
Book Reviews2005/03/01English
Book Reviews2005/12/01English
Book Reviews2005/06/01English
Visuals’ function in health risk reporting: juxtaposing the academic conceptualisations with journalistic perceptions2022/10/15English
The clocks run at slightly different speeds. Clashing timeframes in COVID-19 health risk governance2023/09/06English
‘The air is a little too dangerous’: how children navigate between rules and risks in times of COVID-192023/07/05English
‘I have really learned how to smile with my eyes’. Risk work and embodied care practices among nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic in Denmark2023/11/21English
Risk factors for mental health and wellness: children’s perspectives from five Majority World Countries2023/10/31English
The “risk object” of cannabis edibles: perspectives from young adults in Canada2023/04/02English
Ultrasound scans as risk rituals in obstetric prenatal care in South Africa2023/12/03English
Better than antibiotics. Public understandings of risk, human health and the use of synthetically obtained livestock vaccines in five European countries2021/07/13English
‘When we think about risk, we think about rights’: community-based organisations’ staff members' perspectives on risk, resiliency and rights in Juiz de Fora, Brazil2013/06/01English
The underside of medicalisation: the portrayal of medical error over time in North American popular mass magazines2016/08/17English