European Political Science

Title Publication Date Language Citations
measuring immigration policies: the IMPIC database2017/03/01English104
the core commitments of critical terrorism studies2007/08/02English99
The Democracy Barometer: A New Instrument to Measure the Quality of Democracy and its Potential for Comparative Research2011/12/16English89
discourse analysis and the study of policy making2002/09/01English88
performing governance through networks2005/08/19English82
The radical right and the end of Swedish exceptionalism2018/05/02English69
governance network theory: towards a second generation2005/08/19English68
Social media populism: features and ‘likeability’ of Lega Nord communication on Facebook2018/01/22English63
An Outline of the Bibliometric Indicator Used for Performance-Based Funding of Research Institutions in Norway2009/08/12English59
Systematic Process Analysis: when and how to use it2008/08/01English57
what is access? a discussion of the definition and measurement of interest group access2017/09/01English54
bringing the state back into terrorism studies2007/08/02English49
Tracing the Progress of Process Tracing2012/03/30English47
The Austrian Corona Panel Project: monitoring individual and societal dynamics amidst the COVID-19 crisis2020/10/22English45
the 2015 refugee crisis was not a turning point: explaining policy inertia in EU border control2017/07/19English43
what is europeanisation? and other questions on a new research agenda2003/09/01English42
Frequently used Active Learning Techniques and Their Impact: a Critical Review of Existing Journal Literature in the United States2012/12/14English41
Why Do We Need to Protect Institutional Diversity?2011/07/29English39
Concept Stretching: The Case of Deliberation2008/05/25English35
Institutions for Adaptation to Climate Change: Comparing National Adaptation Strategies in Europe2011/06/24English35
the effects of active learning environments: how simulations trigger affective learning2015/05/08English34
defending interpretation2006/03/01English33
Reversing regimes and concepts: from democratization to autocratization2018/05/04English32
education as a source and tool of soft power in international relations2015/04/17English32
The populism/anti-populism frontier and its mediation in crisis-ridden Greece: from discursive divide to emerging cleavage?2018/01/22English30
designing and managing networks: possibilities and limitations for network management2005/08/19English30
gender quotas as a global phenomenon: actors and strategies in quota adoption2004/06/01English30
applying the concepts of bonding and bridging social capital to empirical research2003/06/01English30
Narrating Impact Assessment in the European Union2013/05/10English29
Recasting Institutionalism: Institutional Analysis and Public Policy2012/02/10English29