Housing Policy Debate

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Wrestling Sprawl to the Ground: Defining and measuring an elusive concept2001/01/01English790
Does neighborhood matter? Assessing recent evidence1997/01/01English501
The impact of urban form on U.S. residential energy use2008/01/01English447
The Spatial Mismatch Hypothesis: Three Decades Later1992/01/01English431
The spatial mismatch hypothesis: A review of recent studies and their implications for welfare reform1998/01/01English378
Brown kids in white suburbs: Housing mobility and the many faces of social capital1998/01/01English368
Changing the geography of opportunity by expanding residential choice: Lessons from the Gautreaux program1995/01/01English332
The external costs of foreclosure: The impact of single‐family mortgage foreclosures on property values2006/01/01English299
The geography of metropolitan opportunity: A reconnaissance and conceptual framework1995/01/01English280
Homeownership and neighborhood stability1996/01/01English280
The social benefits of homeownership: Empirical evidence from national surveys1996/01/01English271
The myth of social capital in community development2001/01/01English264
What is housing affordability? The case for the residual income approach2006/01/01English260
Islands of decay in seas of renewal: Housing policy and the resurgence of gentrification1999/01/01English236
Public service reductions associated with placement of homeless persons with severe mental illness in supportive housing2002/01/01English229
The bounds of smart decline: a foundational theory for planning shrinking cities2011/06/01English205
“… And a suitable living environment”: The failure of housing programs to deliver on neighborhood quality1997/01/01English179
Inner‐city concentrated poverty and neighborhood distress: 1970 to 19901993/01/01English170
Moving up versus moving out: Neighborhood effects in housing mobility programs1997/01/01English152
Mapping social vulnerability to enhance housing and neighborhood resilience2012/01/01English152
Some realities about sprawl and urban decline1999/01/01English151
A new measure of housing affordability: Estimates and analytical results2005/01/01English147
Why voucher and certificate users live in distressed neighborhoods2000/01/01English146
Evictions: The hidden housing problem2003/01/01English142
Current preferences and future demand for denser residential environments2001/01/01English136
The residential preferences of blacks and whites: A four‐metropolis analysis1997/01/01English130
Social capital and neighborhood stability: An empirical investigation1998/01/01English126
HOPE VI relocation: Moving to new neighborhoods and building new ties2004/01/01English120
Testing a typology of family homelessness based on patterns of public shelter utilization in four U.S. jurisdictions: Implications for policy and program planning2007/01/01English112
The impact of neighbors who use section 8 certificates on property values1999/01/01English110