The Oral History Review

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A “Very Innocent Time”: Oral History Narratives, Nostalgia and Girls’ Safety in the 1950s and 1960s2015/04/01English2
Bringing a Hidden Pond to Public Attention: Increasing Impact through Digital Tools2013/01/01English2
Oral History, Hermeneutics, and Embodiment2014/09/01English2
Studs Terkel, Historian2014/09/01English2
The Federal Writers’ Project Slave Interviews: Useful Data or Misleading Source1977/01/01English2
Oral History in Nigeria: Issues, Problems, and Prospects1990/03/01English2
“We'll Remain in This Cesspool for a Long Time”: The Miners of Donetsk Speak Out1992/03/01English2
Armenian Survivors: A Typological Analysis of Victim Response1982/01/01English2
Oral Recollection and the Historical Reconstruction of Black San Francisco, 1915-19401984/01/01English2
Riding a Mule Through the “Terminological Jungle”: Oral History and Problems of Nomenclature1984/01/01English2
Memories From the Street: Oral Histories of Elderly Methadone Patients1981/01/01English2
Oral History and Rural Women in the United States1989/10/01English2
Memory as a Battlefield: Personal and Political Investments in the National Military Past1995/07/01English2
From the Cold War Through the Wende: History, Belonging, and the Self in East German Jewry1993/07/01English2
The Singular Event and the Everyday Routine: The Interplay of History and Culture in the Shaping of Memory1987/10/01English2
Oral History, Quantification, and the New Social History1981/01/01English2
Get Real: Empowering the Student Through Oral History1990/03/01English2
Getting it Down Right: Oral History’s Reliability in Local History Research1984/01/01English2
History-Telling and Time: An Example from Kentucky1992/03/01English2
Loose Bits of Shrapnel: War Stories, Photographs, and the Peculiarities of Postmemory2014/01/01English2
Animating Ephemera through Oral History: Interpreting Visual Traces of California Gay College Student Organizing from the 1970s2012/01/01English2
Oral History in China: Contemporary Topics and New Hurdles1999/07/01English2
At the Western Development Museum: Ethnic Identity and the Memory of the Holocaust in the Jewish Community of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan2000/07/01English2
Report from Abroad: Returning History to the Community: Oral History in a Museum Setting1997/01/01English2
Situating Stories: The Surprising Consequences of Oral History1998/07/01English2
Giving It Back: Creating Conversations to Interpret Community Oral History1996/01/01English2
“What Koinonia was All About”: The Role of Memory in a Changing Community1997/07/01English2
“Flesh and Blood Archives”: Embodying the Oral History Transcript2018/04/01English2
“Bring Your Whole Self to the Work”: Identity and Intersectional Politics in the Louisville LGBTQ Movement2016/04/01English2