Four Paradigm Transformations in Oral History | 2007/01/01 | English | 75 |
“Do I Like Them too Much?”: Effects of the Oral History Interview on the Interviewer and Vice-Versa | 1997/07/01 | English | 28 |
The Limits of Oral History: Ethics and Methodology Amid Highly Politicized Research Settings | 2011/09/01 | English | 27 |
Telling the Told: Performing Like a Family1 | 1990/10/01 | English | 21 |
The Affective Power of Sound: Oral History on Radio | 2012/07/01 | English | 19 |
Living Voices: The Oral History Interview as Dialogue and Experience | 2018/08/01 | English | 19 |
Commentary - Sharing Authority: Oral History and the Collaborative Process | 2003/01/01 | English | 18 |
Beginning Where We Are: Feminist Methodology in Oral History | 1987/03/01 | English | 17 |
Back to Business: A Next Step in the Field of Oral History—The Usefulness of Oral History for Leadership and Organizational Research | 2012/01/01 | English | 17 |
Only Human: A Reflection on the Ethical and Methodological Challenges of Working with “Difficult” Stories | 2010/07/01 | English | 16 |
What Makes Queer Oral History Different | 2016/04/01 | English | 14 |
Under Storytelling’s Spell? Oral History in a Neoliberal Age | 2015/04/01 | English | 14 |
The Roots of Oral History: Exploring Contrasting Attitudes to Elite, Corporate, and Business Oral History in Britain and the U.S. | 2010/07/01 | English | 13 |
Oral History and the Writing of Ethnic History: A Reconnaissance into Method and Theory | 1981/01/01 | English | 13 |
The Anthropological Interview and the Life History | 1979/01/01 | English | 13 |
Blended Voices: Crafting a Narrative from Oral History Interviews | 2004/01/01 | English | 13 |
Identity and Forgetting | 1999/01/01 | English | 12 |
Shame, Guilt, and Anguish in Holocaust Survivor Testimony | 2003/01/01 | English | 12 |
“Insights and Oversights”: Reflections on the Documentary Tradition and the Theoretical Turn in Oral History | 2014/09/01 | English | 11 |
Kissing Cousins: Journalism and Oral History | 2004/01/01 | English | 11 |
Reticence in Oral History Interviews | 2009/07/01 | English | 11 |
History, Memory, and Identity in Modern Singapore: Testimonies from the Urban Margins | 2009/01/01 | English | 10 |
"We Know What the Problem Is": Using Oral History to Develop a Collaborative Analysis of Homelessness from the Bottom Up | 2003/01/01 | English | 10 |
Commentary - Sharing Authority | 2003/01/01 | English | 10 |
(Re)Placing the Past: Spatial Strategies of Retelling Difficult Stories | 2015/04/01 | English | 10 |
Phenomenology and the Problems of Oral History | 2008/01/01 | English | 10 |
Oral Histry as Ethnographic Encounter | 1987/03/01 | English | 10 |
OHMS: Enhancing Access to Oral History for Free | 2013/01/01 | English | 9 |
The Unsaid, the Incommunicable, the Unbearable, and the Irretrievable | 2014/09/01 | English | 9 |
Oral History and Hard Times, A Review Essay | 1979/01/01 | English | 9 |