Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference

Title Publication Date Language Citations
On the relationship between Spearman's rho and Kendall's tau for pairs of continuous random variables2007/07/01English116
Additive properties of skew normal random vectors2004/12/01English112
Nonparametric regression for functional data: Automatic smoothing parameter selection2007/09/01English111
Some new results on the cumulative residual entropy2010/01/01English111
First-order random coefficient integer-valued autoregressive processes2007/01/01English108
Partial functional linear regression2009/10/01English108
Monitoring changes in linear models2004/11/01English107
Optimal designs for choice experiments with asymmetric attributes2005/09/01English104
Statistical inference for a general class of asymmetric distributions2005/02/01English104
Data-swapping: A technique for disclosure control1982/01/01English103
Parameter estimation of the generalized Pareto distribution—Part I2010/06/01English102
On hybrid censored Weibull distribution2007/07/01English100
Exact inference for a simple step-stress model with competing risks for failure from exponential distribution under Type-II censoring2008/12/01English99
COM–Poisson cure rate survival models and an application to a cutaneous melanoma data2009/10/01English99
Mis-specification analyses of gamma and Wiener degradation processes2011/12/01English97
Nonparametric predictive inference and interval probability2004/09/01English96
Zero-inflated Poisson and negative binomial integer-valued GARCH models2012/04/01English92
Estimation of for generalized Pareto distribution2010/02/01English91
The doubly adaptive biased coin design for sequential clinical trials1994/02/01English88
Correlated variables in regression: Clustering and sparse estimation2013/11/01English88
Random matrix theory in statistics: A review2014/07/01English87
Adaptive designs for dose-finding based on efficacy–toxicity response2006/06/01English85
Reified Bayesian modelling and inference for physical systems2009/03/01English84
Robust estimation in truncated discrete distributions with application to capture-recapture experiments1988/02/01English82
Test of fit for Marshall–Olkin distributions with applications2007/12/01English80
Joint modeling of degradation and failure time data2009/05/01English80
The effect of link misspecification on binary regression inference1992/11/01English80
One-sided confidence intervals in discrete distributions2005/04/01English78
Robust estimates for GARCH models2008/10/01English78
Bayesian look ahead one-stage sampling allocations for selection of the best population1996/09/01English77