The Communication Review

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Media Literacy and the Challenge of New Information and Communication Technologies2004/01/01English320
Social Media and the Organization of Collective Action: Using Twitter to Explore the Ecologies of Two Climate Change Protests2011/07/01English290
The Social Logics of Sharing2013/07/01English144
Connect With Your Audience! The Relational Labor of Connection2015/01/02English114
Alternative Media and Social Networking Sites: The Politics of Individuation and Political Participation2011/07/01English108
Surveillance in the Digital Enclosure2007/12/05English98
Brain, Brow, and Booty: Latina Iconicity in U.S. Popular Culture2004/04/01English78
The Participation Paradigm in Audience Research2013/01/01English76
Structural transformations of the public sphere1995/01/01English74
Liveness, “Reality,” and the Mediated Habitus from Television to the Mobile Phone2004/10/01English68
Unanswered Questions in Audience Research2006/07/01English63
When Do States Disconnect Their Digital Networks? Regime Responses to the Political Uses of Social Media2011/07/01English62
The Agonistic Social Media: Cyberspace in the Formation of Dissent and Consolidation of State Power in Postelection Iran2011/07/01English62
Twitter Revolutions? Addressing Social Media and Dissent2011/07/01English59
From Pink Slips to Pink Slime: Transforming Media Labor in a Digital Age2015/04/03English59
Lives, laws, and language: Commemorative versus non‐commemorative forms of effective public memory1997/06/01English54
Communication, discourse and activity1999/01/01English52
Keynote Address: Media, Markets, Gender: Economies of Visibility in a Neoliberal Moment2015/01/02English52
In search of the informed citizen: What Americans know about politics and why it matters2000/01/01English46
Mediated Public Diplomacy in a New Era of Warfare2009/08/31English43
Postmodernism and Punk Subculture: Cultures of Authenticity and Deconstruction2004/07/01English40
I Have Seen the Future and It Is Not Here Yet …; or, On Being Ambitious for Audience Research2006/07/01English39
The Globalization of Bollywood: An Ethnography of Non-Elite Audiences in India2007/02/20English38
Transnational Feminism and Communication Studies2006/12/01English37
Imagining the Journalist of the Future: Technological Visions of Journalism Education and Newswork2015/04/03English36
Crafting New Communicative Models in the Televisual Sphere: Political Interviews onThe Daily Show2007/05/29English31
This Little Piggy Went to Press: The American News Media's Construction of Animals in Agriculture2009/03/02English30
Discourses of Technology and Liberation: State Aid to Net Activists in an Era of “Twitter Revolutions”2011/07/01English30
The Survivor in Contemporary Culture and Public Discourse: A Genealogy2009/06/03English29
Still Photographs, Dynamic Memories: A Study of the Visual Presentation of Israel s Past in Commemorative Newspaper Supplements2002/07/01English28