Language Acquisition

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Referentiality and Wh-Movement in Child English: Juvenile D-Linkuency1995/01/01English32
Capturing the Evasive Passive2009/03/27English32
Variable Input and the Acquisition of Plural Morphology2012/06/25English32
Interactions Between the Acquisition of French Object Drop and the Development of the C-System1996/01/01English31
Protosyntactic Devices in the Acquisition of Italian Free Morphology1993/10/01English31
A large-scale cross-linguistic investigation of the acquisition of passive2015/05/11English31
Quantifying Kids2003/10/01English30
The Selection of Syntactic Knowledge1992/04/01English30
Disambiguating Syntactic Triggers2012/03/22English30
Resumptives in the Acquisition of Relative Clauses1995/01/01English30
Shortcuts to Quantifier Interpretation in Children and Adults2006/07/01English27
"Tom Eats Slowly Cooked Eggs": Thematic-Verb Raising in L2 Knowledge1997/07/01English27
Focus Particles in Children's Language: Production and Comprehension ofAuch‘Also’ in German Learners from 1 Year to 4 Years of Age2009/01/07English27
Young Children and A-chains: The Acquisition of Hebrew Unaccusatives2007/10/19English26
Functional Categories and Specific Language Impairment: A Case Study1995/04/01English26
The Acquisition of Passives in Spanish and the Question of A-Chain Maturation1992/01/01English26
Lexical Learning by Error Detection1993/04/01English25
Omissions and Substitutions in Spanish Object Clitics: Developmental Optionality as a Property of the Representational System2010/04/14English25
Input-driven differences in toddlers’ perception of a disappearing phonological contrast2015/05/11English25
The Interpretation of Pronouns in Spanish Language Acquisition and Breakdown: Evidence for the "Principle B Delay" as a Non-Unitary Phenomenon2003/10/01English24
Principle B and Contrastive Stress1992/10/01English24
Object Clitic Omission: Two Language Types2010/10/19English24
Distributive Quantifier Scope in English-Japanese and Korean-Japanese Interlanguage2009/06/29English24
Linguistic and Cognitive Abilities in Children with Specific Language Impairment as Compared to Children with High-Functioning Autism2016/08/05English24
Article Omission Across Child Languages2008/04/15English23
Phonological Universals in Early Childhood: Evidence from Sonority Restrictions2011/09/20English23
Collectivity, Distributivity, and the Interpretation of Plural Numerical Expressions in Child and Adult Language2013/10/01English23
Children's Optimal Interpretations of Indefinite Subjects and Objects2006/04/01English23
Control Principles in the Grammars of Young Children1990/10/01English22
The Development of NP Selection in School-Age Children: Reference and Spanish Subject Pronouns2012/01/01English22