Language Acquisition

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Structural Sources of Verb Meanings1990/01/01English698
Children's Knowledge of Locality Conditions in Binding as Evidence for the Modularity of Syntax and Pragmatics1990/07/01English245
Morphological Deficits in Children With Specific Language Impairment: The Status of Features in the Underlying Grammar1992/04/01English202
Some Notes on Linguistic Theory and Language Development: The Case of Root Infinitives1993/10/01English195
Article Semantics in L2 Acquisition: The Role of Specificity2004/01/01English169
SLI in Children: Movement, Economy, and Deficits in the Computational-Syntactic System1998/04/01English135
Feature Blindness: A Case Study1990/04/01English125
A Developmental Investigation of Processing Costs in Implicature Production2007/10/19English123
On the Transfer of Parametric Values in L2 Development1993/07/01English115
Determiners and Clitic Pronouns in French-Speaking Children With SLI1998/04/01English111
Constraints on Parameter Setting: A Grammatical Analysis of Some Acquisition in Stages in German Child Language1990/10/01English102
Differential Object Marking in Child and Adult Spanish Heritage Speakers2013/04/01English96
The Verb-Movement Parameter in Second Language Acquisition1990/10/01English96
Verb Syntax in Italian Child Grammar: Finite and Nonfinite Verbs1993/01/01English95
Morphosyntactic Learning and the Development of Tense2007/08/17English89
A Comparison of Pronouns and Anaphors in Italian and English Acquisition1992/01/01English85
Minimal Violation and Phonological Development1997/07/01English81
The Role of Stress and Position in Determining First Words1992/07/01English81
Functional Categories in Early Child German1993/10/01English77
Children's Processing of Ambiguous Sentences: A Study of Relative Clause Attachment2003/07/01English76
Children's Computation of Implicatures2004/01/01English72
Testing Between UG-Based and Problem-Solving Models of L2A: Developmental Sequence Data1992/01/01English69
Subject Case in Children With SLI and Unaffected Controls: Evidence for the Agr/Tns Omission Model1998/04/01English67
Domain-General Versus Domain-Specific Accounts of Specific Language Impairment: Evidence From Bilingual Children's Acquisition of Object Pronouns2006/01/01English66
Quantification Without Qualification1996/04/01English65
Binding Principles in the Grammars of Young Children1990/01/01English63
Null Subject Versus Null Object: Some Evidence From the Acquisition of Chinese and English1992/07/01English62
Linking Parser Development to Acquisition of Syntactic Knowledge2014/12/01English59
Working Memory Effects in the L2 Processing of Ambiguous Relative Clauses2014/06/19English58
An Extended Optional Infinitive Stage in German-Speaking Children With Specific Language Impairment1997/10/01English58