
Title Publication Date Language Citations
The role of fine and coarse roots in shallow slope stability and soil erosion control with a focus on root system architecture: a review2007/03/29English364
Potential risks for European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in a changing climate2006/11/23English300
Sap flow measurements with some thermodynamic methods, flow integration within trees and scaling up from sample trees to entire forest stands2004/06/25English281
Effects of salt on growth, ion accumulation, photosynthesis and leaf anatomy of the mangrove, Bruguiera parviflora2004/03/01249
Limitation of stomatal conductance by hydraulic traits: sensing or preventing xylem cavitation?2000/10/01English244
Estimating canopy structure of Douglas-fir forest stands from discrete-return LiDAR2007/01/12English239
Salt tolerance mechanisms in mangroves: a review2010/02/11English234
Climate-tree-growth relationships of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in the French Permanent Plot Network (RENECOFOR)2005/03/23English204
Variation in radial growth responses to drought among species, site, and canopy strata1997/01/01199
Growth response to climate and drought in Pinus nigra Arn. trees of different crown classes2007/12/12English195
The greater seedling high-light tolerance of Quercus robur over Fagus sylvatica is linked to a greater physiological plasticity2002/08/01English194
Daily weather response of balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.) stem radius increment from dendrometer analysis in the boreal forests of Qu�bec (Canada)2003/11/01191
Branch sacrifice: cavitation-associated drought adaptation of riparian cottonwoods2000/03/06186
The importance of early summer temperature and date of snow melt for tree growth in the Siberian Subarctic2002/08/24183
Stem radius changes and their relation to stored water in stems of young Norway spruce trees2000/10/01English174
Effects of a severe drought on Quercus ilex radial growth and xylem anatomy2004/01/01173
Modeling xylem and phloem water flows in trees according to cohesion theory and Münch hypothesis2005/09/13English173
Cavitation and water storage capacity in bole xylem segments of mature and young Douglas-fir trees2001/04/06167
Dendroecology in the tropics: a review2010/08/31English164
Increasing day-length induces spring flushing of tropical dry forest trees in the absence of rain2002/07/20162
Leaf functional traits of Neotropical savanna trees in relation to seasonal water deficit2004/12/09English161
Mechanisms contributing to seasonal homeostasis of minimum leaf water potential and predawn disequilibrium between soil and plant water potential in Neotropical savanna trees2004/12/15English161
Age-dependent responses of tree-ring growth and intra-annual density fluctuations of Pinus pinaster to Mediterranean climate2008/09/25English155
Hydraulic architecture of deciduous and evergreen dry rainforest tree species from north-eastern Australia2004/12/09English153
Source/sink removal affects mobile carbohydrates in Pinus cembra at the Swiss treeline2002/03/13143
Structural crown properties of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica [L.]) in mixed versus pure stands revealed by terrestrial laser scanning2013/02/13English142
Comparing canopy metrics derived from terrestrial and airborne laser scanning in a Douglas-fir dominated forest stand2010/06/15English139
Effects of high nitrogen load on growth, photosynthesis and nutrient status of Cryptomeria japonica and Pinus densiflora seedlings2001/12/01English137
Salt, nutrient uptake and transport, and ABA of Populus euphratica; a hybrid in response to increasing soil NaCl2001/03/01135
Intra-annual tracheid production in balsam fir stems and the effect of meteorological variables2004/12/22English134