China's Global Equity Oil Investments: Economic and Geopolitical Influences | 2012/04/01 | English | 17 |
China's growing interest in Latin America and its implications | 2007/07/17 | English | 17 |
The Futility of Force? Strategic Lessons for Dealing with Unconventional Armed Groups from the UN’s War on Haiti’s Gangs | 2014/06/20 | English | 16 |
Fighting Separately: Jointness and Civil-Military Relations in India | 2016/07/05 | English | 16 |
The Effectiveness of the Drone Campaign against Al Qaeda Central: A Case Study | 2014/01/02 | English | 16 |
The Persistent Military Security Dilemma between China and India | 2009/12/01 | English | 16 |
The Limits to Learning in Military Operations: Bottom-up Adaptation in the Norwegian Army in Northern Afghanistan, 2007–2012 | 2016/07/11 | English | 16 |
Deterring the Undeterrable: Coercion, Denial, and Delegitimization in Counterterrorism | 2011/02/01 | English | 16 |
Competitive Strategies against Continental Powers: The Geopolitics of Sino-Indian-American Relations | 2013/02/01 | English | 16 |
Asymmetry of Values, Indigenous Forces, and Incumbent Success in Counterinsurgency: Evidence from Chechnya | 2014/10/10 | English | 16 |
Varieties of Assurance | 2012/06/01 | English | 16 |
The Evolution of US Extended Deterrence and South Korea’s Nuclear Ambitions | 2016/04/18 | English | 15 |
The ‘Third’ US Offset Strategy and Europe’s ‘Anti-access’ Challenge | 2016/04/15 | English | 15 |
French Military Adaptation in the Afghan War: Looking Inward or Outward? | 2016/08/22 | English | 15 |
Geopolitik: Haushofer, Hitler and lebensraum | 1999/06/01 | English | 15 |
Dragon on the Horizon: China's Defense Industrial Renaissance | 2009/02/01 | English | 15 |
China’s ‘Three Warfares’: Origins, Applications, and Organizations | 2014/02/23 | English | 15 |
Delegating strategic decision-making to machines: Dr. Strangelove Redux? | 2020/04/30 | English | 15 |
Foreword: Military doctrine and the management of uncertainty | 2015/12/28 | English | 15 |
Cyberpower in Strategic Affairs: Neither Unthinkable nor Blessed | 2012/10/01 | English | 15 |
Mission not accomplished: What went wrong with Iraqi reconstruction | 2006/06/01 | English | 15 |
‘Technology Determines Tactics’: The Relationship between Technology and Doctrine in Chinese Military Thinking | 2011/06/01 | English | 15 |
Bureaucracy Does Its Thing: US Performance and the Institutional Dimension of Strategy in Afghanistan | 2013/06/01 | English | 15 |
‘Hearts and Minds’? British Counter-Insurgency Strategy in Northern Ireland | 2009/06/01 | English | 15 |
A ‘Model Campaign’ Reappraised: The Counter-Insurgency War in Dhofar, Oman, 1965–1975 | 2009/04/01 | English | 14 |
Reinventing the Revolution: Technological Visions, Counterinsurgent Criticism, and the Rise of Special Operations | 2013/06/01 | English | 14 |
Why provoke? the Sino-US competition in East Asia and North Korea’s strategic choice | 2015/05/11 | English | 14 |
Motivation or capabilities? Israeli counterterrorism against Palestinian suicide bombings and violence | 2006/10/01 | English | 14 |
Pakistani Political Communication and Public Opinion on US Drone Attacks | 2015/01/23 | English | 14 |
The Cultural Revolution in Counter-Insurgency | 2007/02/01 | English | 14 |