Cognitive Neuroscience

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Why and how the co-occurring familiar object matters in Fast Mapping (FM)? Insights from computational models2019/03/21English7
Predictive processing, perceptual presence, and sensorimotor theory2014/04/03English7
The interaction between language and visual spatial attention systems in grammatical gender processing. An N2pc study2013/08/02English7
Free energy minimization and information gain: The devil is in the details2015/07/27English7
Looking ahead: Anticipatory cueing of attention to objects others will look at2015/07/09English7
Cognitive control during sentence generation2015/11/13English7
Sex differences in functional network dynamics observed using coactivation pattern analysis2021/03/18English7
The pleasant heat? Evidence for thermal-emotional implicit associations occurring with semantic and physical thermal stimulation2014/12/08English7
The role of the left inferior frontal gyrus in episodic encoding of faces: An interference study by repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation2010/06/02English7
Overclaiming and the medial prefrontal cortex: A transcranial magnetic stimulation study2010/11/02English7
The perception of two-tone Mooney faces in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)2011/05/11English7
Reach trajectories reveal delayed processing of low spatial frequency faces in developmental prosopagnosia2012/06/01English7
Impact of oscillatory tDCS targeting left prefrontal cortex on source memory retrieval2018/09/05English6
The role of the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex in emotional enhancement of memory: A TMS study2018/07/19English6
Recollection after inhibition: The effects of intentional forgetting on the neural correlates of retrieval2016/03/24English6
How does the ‘rest-self overlap’ mediate the qualitative and automatic features of self-reference?2015/08/28English6
Culture and Math2013/10/04English6
Constructing priors in synesthesia2014/04/03English6
Elusive phenomenology, counterfactual awareness, and presence without mastery2014/04/03English6
Sex differences in the brain2021/09/29English6
Cerebral correlates of amygdala responses during non-conscious perception of facial affect in adolescent and pre-adolescent children2010/02/26English6
The most intriguing question in synesthesia research2014/04/03English6
Dopamine and epistemic curiosity in music listening2015/06/14English6
Methylation polymorphism influences practice effects in children during attention tasks2016/04/29English6
Eliciting the implicit: Metacognition in Alzheimer’s disease2013/11/19English6
An event-related potential investigation of pattern separation and pattern completion processes2016/06/29English6
Exploring the bilingual advantage: manipulations of similarity and second language immersion in a Stroop task2017/10/19English6
Do emotions or gender drive our actions? A study of motor distractibility2015/09/29English6
Decoding intransitive actions in primary motor cortex using fMRI: toward a componential theory of ‘action primitives’ in motor cortex2018/04/09English6
Task goals modulate the activation of part-based versus object-based representations in visual working memory2019/07/17English6