Social Problems

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Rates of Crime and Unemployment: An Analysis of Aggregate Research Evidence1987/04/01247
Good People and Dirty Work1962/07/01245
Exploring the Connection between Immigration and Violent Crime Rates in U.S. Cities, 1980–20002009/08/01English243
The "Environmental Justice" Frame: A Conceptual Discussion and an Application1993/02/01English240
Must Identity Movements Self-Destruct? A Queer Dilemma1995/08/01240
On the Sequential Organization of Troubles-Talk in Ordinary Conversation1988/10/01238
Recruiting Strangers and Friends: Moral Shocks and Social Networks in Animal Rights and Anti-Nuclear Protests1995/11/01236
Racial Threat and Punitive School Discipline2010/02/01English233
Social Movement Spillover1994/05/01232
Does Socioeconomic Status Matter? Race, Class, and Residential Segregation2006/05/01English230
The Constant Comparative Method of Qualitative Analysis1965/04/01English227
Studies of the Routine Grounds of Everyday Activities1964/01/01221
The Discovery of Hyperkinesis: Notes on the Medicalization of Deviant Behavior1975/10/01220
A Note on the Uses of Official Statistics1963/10/01218
Talking and Listening from Women's Standpoint: Feminist Strategies for Interviewing and Analysis1990/02/01217
Invisible Work1987/12/01216
Convicted Rapists' Vocabulary of Motive: Excuses and Justifications1984/06/01215
The Missing Feminist Revolution in Sociology1985/04/01214
Heteronormativity in Action: Reproducing the Heterosexual Nuclear Family in After-hours Medical Calls2005/11/01English213
The Punishment Gap: School Suspension and Racial Disparities in Achievement2016/01/08English210
Discrediting Victims' Allegations of Sexual Assault: Prosecutorial Accounts of Case Rejections1991/05/01208
Prosecutorial Justifications for Sexual Assault Case Rejection: Guarding the "Gateway to Justice"2001/05/01English208
Housing Discrimination in Metropolitan America: Explaining Changes between 1989 and 20002005/05/01English204
The Micro-Politics of Trouble1977/12/01197
Ontological Gerrymandering: The Anatomy of Social Problems Explanations1985/02/01197
Toward a Marxian Theory of Deviance1975/06/01197
Societal Reaction to Deviant Behavior: Problems of Theory and Method1962/01/01197
The Impact of Incarceration on Employment during the Transition to Adulthood2010/08/01English197
Street-Level Justice: Situational Determinants of Police Arrest Decisions1981/12/01192
Body Projects of Young Women of Color in Physics: Intersections of Gender, Race, and Science2005/11/01English191