Social Problems

Title Publication Date Language Citations
How Segregated Are Middle-Class African Americans?2000/11/01105
Social Problems: A Re-Formulation1973/10/01104
College Aspirations and Expectations among Latino Adolescents in the United States2006/05/01English104
Policing the Ghetto Underclass: The Politics of Law and Law Enforcement1994/05/01103
A Dynamic View of Neighborhoods: The Reciprocal Relationship between Crime and Neighborhood Structural Characteristics2010/05/01English103
Creating Emotional Resonance: Interpersonal Emotion Work and Motivational Framing in a Transgender Community2004/02/01English103
An Empirical Assessment of Whiteness Theory: Hidden from How Many?2009/08/01English102
"Outsider within" the Station House: The Impact of Race and Gender on Black Women Police1994/08/01102
Constructing the Public Good: Social Movements and Cultural Resources1995/02/01102
"Riding the Bull at Gilley's": Convicted Rapists Describe the Rewards of Rape1985/02/01101
Does Enhancing Work-Time Control and Flexibility Reduce Turnover? A Naturally Occurring Experiment2011/02/01English100
Television and Fear of Crime: Program Types, Audience Traits, and the Mediating Effect of Perceived Neighborhood Racial Composition2003/08/01English100
Legitimacy, Strategy, and Resources in the Survival of Community-Based Organizations2010/08/01English100
Social Processes in Disaster: Family Evacuation1969/01/0198
Self-Control and Criminal Opportunity: A Prospective Test of the General Theory of Crime1998/02/0198
Normal Crimes: Sociological Features of the Penal Code in a Public Defender Office1965/01/01English98
The Poverty of the Sociology of Deviance: Nuts, Sluts, and Preverts1972/07/0198
Adolescent Same-Sex Attraction and Academic Outcomes: The Role of School Attachment and Engagement2007/11/01English97
Social Capital and Political Consumerism: A Multilevel Analysis2010/02/01English97
The New Politics of Immigration: "Balanced-Budget Conservatism" and the Symbolism of Proposition 1871996/08/0197
White, Black, and Latino Homicide Rates: Why the Difference?2002/08/01English97
From Delinquent Behavior to Official Delinquency1972/10/0196
Armed Conflict, International Linkages, and Women's Parliamentary Representation in Developing Nations2009/02/01English95
The Impact of Hierarchical Structures on the Work Behavior of Women and Men1976/04/0195
Whatever Happened to Yesterday's Rebels? Longitudinal Effects of Youth Delinquency on Education and Employment1999/05/0195
The Homosexual Role1968/10/0194
Free Spaces, Collective Identity, and the Persistence of U.S. White Power Activism2004/02/01English94
Displaying Neutrality in Television News Interviews1988/10/0193
Perceived Penal Sanction and Self-Reported Criminality: A Neglected Approach to Deterrence Research1972/04/0192
Identity Politics as High-Risk Activism: Career Consequences for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Sociologists1995/05/0192