Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Time-dependent Hurst exponent in financial time series2004/12/01English297
Generating hyperchaotic Lü attractor via state feedback control2006/05/01English293
Identifying and ranking influential spreaders in complex networks by neighborhood coreness2014/02/01English289
The Hurst exponent over time: testing the assertion that emerging markets are becoming more efficient2004/05/01English284
Chaos synchronization of the fractional Lü system2005/08/01English281
Structure and evolution of the world trade network2005/09/01English280
Chaos synchronization of general complex dynamical networks2004/03/01English278
Non validity of index law in fractional calculus: A fractional differential operator with Markovian and non-Markovian properties2018/09/01English278
Social structure of Facebook networks2012/08/01English278
Diagonalization of the quadratic boson hamiltonian1978/09/01English272
Techniques for image enhancement and segmentation of tomographic images of porous materials2004/08/01English269
On the computational complexity of the empirical mode decomposition algorithm2014/04/01English267
The complexity and robustness of metro networks2010/09/01English263
A possible deformed algebra and calculus inspired in nonextensive thermostatistics2004/09/01English262
Identification of overlapping community structure in complex networks using fuzzy -means clustering2007/01/01English262
On fractional order differential equations model for nonlocal epidemics2007/06/01English260
Crystallography and the penrose pattern1982/08/01English260
Liquid-crystalline ordering in the solution of long persistent chains1981/09/01English259
Mixed convection of copper–water nanofluid in a shallow inclined lid driven cavity using the lattice Boltzmann method2014/05/01English259
Complex network-based time series analysis2008/02/01English257
Light scattering and dielectric studies on glass forming liquids1993/12/01English255
Ensemble and trajectory thermodynamics: A brief introduction2015/01/01English254
Error and attack tolerance of complex networks2004/09/01English251
Analysis of the airport network of India as a complex weighted network2008/05/01English251
Generalized statistical complexity measures: Geometrical and analytical properties2006/09/01English248
Cellular automaton model for evacuation process with obstacles2007/08/01English245
A multifractal approach for stock market inefficiency2008/11/01English244
Entropy generation of nanofluid in presence of magnetic field using Lattice Boltzmann Method2015/01/01English243
SIHR rumor spreading model in social networks2012/04/01English242
Many-sphere hydrodynamic interactions and mobilities in a suspension1982/09/01English238