British Journal of Social Work

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Risk and Resilience in Long-Term Foster-Care2005/08/15English94
An Unacceptable Role for Social Work: Implementing Immigration Policy2004/01/01English93
Social Work at the Crossroads2001/06/0193
Conceptualising and Measuring Empathy2010/03/31English91
An Exemplary Scheme? An Evaluation of the Integrated Children's System2009/04/08English91
The Boundaries of the Social Work Relationship Revisited: Towards a Connected, Inclusive and Dynamic Conceptualisation2012/01/10English91
The New Politics of Social Work Practice: Understanding Context to Promote Change2012/07/04English90
How Children Become Invisible in Child Protection Work: Findings from Research into Day-to-Day Social Work Practice2016/06/28English90
Child Protection and Safeguarding in England: Changing and Competing Conceptions of Risk and their Implications for Social Work2010/12/10English90
An 'Ecospiritual' Perspective: Finally, a Place for Indigenous Approaches2006/04/01English90
Direct Payments and Social Work Practice: The Significance of 'Street-Level Bureaucracy' in Determining Eligibility2007/03/17English88
Matches and Mismatches: The Contribution of Carers and Children to the Success of Foster Placements2003/10/01English88
Social Care and the Modern Citizen: Client, Consumer, Service User, Manager and Entrepreneur2005/12/06English87
Working in the Social Services: Job Satisfaction, Stress and Violence1998/06/01English87
Place Matters: The Significance of Place Attachments for Children's Well-Being2008/10/21English86
Organisational Rules and Discretion in Adult Social Work2012/03/07English86
Social Capital, Family Support, Resilience and Educational Outcomes of Chinese Migrant Children2012/10/15English85
Contact with Family Members and its Impact on Adolescents and Their Foster Placements2005/10/31English85
'We Don't See Her as a Social Worker': A Service User Case Study of the Importance of the Social Worker's Relationship and Humanity2008/10/01English85
Virtue Ethics and Social Work: Being Lucky, Realistic, and not Doing ones Duty2002/12/0185
Self-reflection in Reflective Practice: A Note of Caution2006/02/20English84
The extent and nature of known cases of institutional child sexual abuse2000/12/0184
The Epidemiology of Out-of-Home Care for Children and Youth: A National Cohort Study2008/06/17English82
Risk Rationalities in Contemporary Social Work Policy and Practice2010/01/04English82
Working 'Between the Idea and the Reality': Ambiguities and Tensions in Care Managers' Work2002/06/0182
Poverty-Aware Social Work: A Paradigm for Social Work Practice with People in Poverty: Table 12015/12/17English82
Cultural Barriers to the Disclosure of Child Sexual Abuse in Asian Communities: Listening to What Women Say2005/11/18English81
Questioning Tales of ‘Ordinary Magic’: ‘Resilience’ and Neo-Liberal Reasoning2015/04/15English80
Social Work Values: The Moral Core of the Profession2004/01/01English80
'Anti-oppressive practice': emancipation or appropriation?2000/10/0180