HEC Forum

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Ethics committee networks: Facing the future1995/11/01English
A survey of ethics committees in national medical organizations in the United States1995/11/01English
Should religiously-oriented healthcare institutions have at least one HEC member with opposing views from the institution's "standard position"? No1995/11/01English
The first Code of Medical Ethics in an independent nation1995/11/01English
Evidence-Based Medecine: Why Clinical Ethicists Should be Concerned2003/09/01English
Notes on Contributors2003/09/01English
Mixed Feelings: Physicians' Concerns About Clinical Ethics Committees in Germany2003/09/01English
Professional Promises and Limits on the Scope of Practice2005/09/01English
Ethics consultation: The hospital for sick children initiative [Toronto, Ontario]1991/01/01English
Guidelines for bioethics consultations at the hospital for sick children [Toronto, Ontario]1991/01/01English
A survey of New Jersey hospital ethics committees1991/01/01English
Pastoral care representation on the hospital ethics committee1991/01/01English
Why Bioethics is Ill Equipped to Contribute to the Debate about Prolonging Lifespans2004/09/01English
Ethics and Lifespan Prolongation: When Should We Die of Old Age?2004/09/01English
Should HECs assess whether ?clear and convincing evidence? standards have been met before recommending the discontinuation of life support, including nutrition and fluids?1991/01/01English
Medical ethics committees in Hungary Dr. Bela Blasszauer1991/01/01English
Platelets, Puppies, and Payment: How Surveys can be Misleading in the Remuneration Debate2022/04/19English
The Need for Specialized Oncology Training for Clinical Ethicists2022/04/15English
Democratizing Conscientious Refusal in Healthcare2022/12/15English
Clinical Ethics Consultations and the Necessity of NOT Meeting Expectations: I Never Promised You a Rose Garden2022/09/20English
Clinical Ethics Consultation in Chronic Illness: Challenging Epistemic Injustice Through Epistemic Modesty2022/09/07English
Author Index to Volume 35: 20232023/11/15English
Islamic Jurisprudence on Harm Versus Harm Scenarios in Medical Confidentiality2023/01/07English
Non-Psychiatric Treatment Refusal in Patients with Depression: How Should Surrogate Decision-Makers Represent the Patient’s Authentic Wishes?2024/01/27English
Clinical Ethics and Professional Integrity: A Comment on the ASBH Code2023/12/21English
What Is It That You Want Me To Do? Guidance for Ethics Consultants in Complex Discharge Cases2023/12/21English
Consistently Inconsistent: Does Inconsistency Really Indicate Incapacity?2021/10/06English
Animating Clinical Ethics: A Structured Method to Teach Ethical Analysis Through Movies2022/01/29English
Applying Genetic and Genomic Tools to Psychiatric Disorders: A Scoping Review2021/11/30English
Advance Directives and the Descendant Argument2017/08/16English