
Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Effects of Historical Housing Policies on Resident Exposure to Intra-Urban Heat: A Study of 108 US Urban Areas2020/01/13English317
Factors Affecting Farmers’ Adaptation Strategies to Environmental Degradation and Climate Change Effects: A Farm Level Study in Bangladesh2014/09/26English176
Climate Change and Variability in Ghana: Stocktaking2014/12/24English170
Rising Precipitation Extremes across Nepal2017/01/13English142
Effect of Climate Change on the Yield of Cereal Crops: A Review2018/05/15English140
Rainfall: Features and Variations over Saudi Arabia, A Review2015/08/12English118
Urban Land Use Land Cover Changes and Their Effect on Land Surface Temperature: Case Study Using Dohuk City in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq2017/02/20English109
Variabilities in Rainfall Onset, Cessation and Length of Rainy Season for the Various Agro-Ecological Zones of Ghana2015/06/15English95
Best-Fit Probability Distributions and Return Periods for Maximum Monthly Rainfall in Bangladesh2018/01/31English93
Spatial and Temporal Variability of Rainfall in the Gandaki River Basin of Nepal Himalaya2015/03/05English88
Multi-Model Projections of River Flood Risk in Europe under Global Warming2018/01/24English81
Hydro-Climatic Variability in the Karnali River Basin of Nepal Himalaya2016/03/23English75
Trends of Climate Change in Saudi Arabia: Implications on Water Resources2018/01/29English73
Land-Use/Land-Cover Changes and Their Impact on Surface Urban Heat Islands: Case Study of Kandy City, Sri Lanka2019/08/14English70
Adoption and Dissemination Pathways for Climate-Smart Agriculture Technologies and Practices for Climate-Resilient Livelihoods in Lushoto, Northeast Tanzania2017/08/15English68
Forest Contribution to Climate Change Mitigation: Management Oriented to Carbon Capture and Storage2020/01/27English68
Long-Term Trend Analysis of Precipitation and Air Temperature for Kentucky, United States2016/02/03English68
A Long-Term Spatiotemporal Analysis of Vegetation Greenness over the Himalayan Region Using Google Earth Engine2021/06/30English66
Global Surface Temperature: A New Insight2021/05/12English65
Changes in Earth’s Energy Budget during and after the “Pause” in Global Warming: An Observational Perspective2018/07/11English62
Role of Social Media as a Soft Power Tool in Raising Public Awareness and Engagement in Addressing Climate Change2019/10/16English62
The Role of Green Infrastructures in Urban Planning for Climate Change Adaptation2019/10/04English62
Evaluation of TRMM 3B42 V7 Rainfall Product over the Oum Er Rbia Watershed in Morocco2017/01/04English61
Human–Environment Natural Disasters Interconnection in China: A Review2020/03/26English60
The Impact of the East Atlantic/Western Russia Pattern on the Hydroclimatology of Europe from Mid-Winter to Late Spring2014/10/15English60
Livestock Under Climate Change: A Systematic Review of Impacts and Adaptation2018/06/21English60
The Effects of Great Plains Irrigation on the Surface Energy Balance, Regional Circulation, and Precipitation2014/05/05English58
Multiyear Rainfall and Temperature Trends in the Volta River Basin and their Potential Impact on Hydropower Generation in Ghana2016/10/12English58
Climate Change in Afghanistan Deduced from Reanalysis and Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX)—South Asia Simulations2017/05/23English57
Regional Landsat-Based Drought Monitoring from 1982 to 20142015/08/07English57