Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Evaluation of 18F-AlF-labeled IF7 dimer as a promising molecular probe for tumor targeting PET imaging in mice2024/02/20English
Enhancing artificial radionuclides monitoring: a Bayesian statistical approach combined with the multi time-interval analysis method2024/02/20English
Seasonal changes in spatial distribution of 7Be atmospheric deposition measured using terrestrial mosses2023/09/26English
U-238, Th-232 series, and Pu-239 + Pu-240 concentration analysis in biological samples of high natural background radiation residents by alpha spectrometry2023/09/26English
Assessment of radiological hazards due to ingestion of natural radionuclides in cooking oil samples2023/09/26English
Effect of polymer adhesive in positron source for positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS)2023/09/23English
Determination of 226Ra in environmental samples by alpha spectrometry: a new separation method based on the rapid co-precipitation of 226Ra with PbSO42023/09/11English
Instrumental neutron activation analysis by utilizing pneumatic carrier facility at Dhruva reactor for estimation of minor and trace elements in antidiabetic ayurvedic formulations2023/09/09English
Environmental and human health risk assessments for potentially toxic elements in the soils of a prospective phosphate mining area of Hinda district, Republic of the Congo2023/08/11English
Natural radioisotopes and chemical elements causing carcinogenic risks in soils of urban green spaces in the Metropolitan Region of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil?2023/08/12English
Identification of gamma emitting natural isotopes in environmental sample spectra: convolutional neural network approach2023/08/14English
Hydrothermal fabrication of amino functionalized lotus seedpods-derived biochar for efficient removal of uranium (VI)2023/08/17English
Impact of lowering potassium contamination in liquid scintillation cocktails for ultra-sensitive radiation detection2023/08/17English
Improved analytical workflow for prompt gamma activation analysis2023/08/10English
Fast neutron coincidence counter using scintillators for safeguards verification of the TRU/RE waste2023/08/09English
Determination of trace, minor and major elements of medicinal plants used for common diseases through PIXE method2023/08/11English
Study the Upper Pleistocene groundwater dynamic in the Nambo Plain for sustainable management of groundwater resources by isotope techniques2023/08/11English
Role of incomplete fusion in production of 155Tb2023/08/30English
Primary activity standardization of 18F for the calibration of the KRISS ionization chamber2023/08/30English
Study on the uranium adsorption and reusability characteristics of amidoximated polypropylene-acrylonitrile-acrylic acid fibrous adsorbent2023/08/30English
High-efficiency removal of U(VI) from low-concentration uranium-bearing wastewater using ZnCl2-modified activated carbon loading nZVI2023/08/30English
Beta decay study of 126Sb and 126mSb2023/08/30English
Particulate Matter (PM) analysis by combining gamma spectroscopy and environmental factors2023/08/26English
Improvement of 94Nb analytical sensitivity in radioactive dry active waste with sequential chemical separation2023/08/26English
Development of process for purification of strontium nitrate rich solution to qualify for 90Sr–90Y generator2023/08/09English
Safety and stability evaluation of uranium tailings dam considering radioactive deviation degree2023/08/09English
Measurement of 222Rn in ground water and NORMs in top soil in the environs of Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant site and associated health hazard2023/08/09English
Measurements of 135Cs/137Cs in debris from the Trinity nuclear test2023/08/09English
Elemental characterization of medicinal plants of the Sundarban by INAA and AAS techniques: health risk assessments and statistical analysis2023/08/09English
New photo-Fenton type catalyst of soda-lime aluminosilicate glass prepared by recycling waste slag–a review2023/09/12English