Optics & Laser Technology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Apochromatic lens combinations: a novel design approach1997/06/01English
Analytical expressions of group-delay dispersion and cubic phase for four-prism sequence used at other than Brewster's angle1999/07/01English
Measurements of frequency responses of three-section distributed Bragg reflector lasers and application to modulation spectroscopy1998/09/01English
News update1996/10/01English
Book review1999/06/01English
Matched data storage in ESPI by combination of spatial phase shifting with temporal phase unwrapping2000/06/01English
Optical arithmetic unit using bit-WDM2000/01/01English
Effect of atmospheric turbulence on propagation of ultraviolet radiation2000/02/01English
Laser characteristics of a new crystal Nd:Sr5(PO4)3F at 1.059 μm1996/09/01English
A video-rate range sensor based on depth from defocus2001/04/01English
Numerical propagation of partially coherent laser beams through optical systems1997/07/01English
A theoretical study on the visibility of a speckle pattern based on a Gabor hologram and speckle photography1996/10/01English
Enhancing visibility through fog1997/09/01English
Holography for underwater inspection and measurement: an overview of current work1997/02/01English
Effects of image compression on PIV and PTV analysis1999/03/01English
Experimental study on the combinative action of zinc chloride and triethanolamine on improving photosensitivity in red-sensitized dichromated gelatin1998/04/01English
Quasi-Fourier transform hologram format for data storage1996/11/01English
Holographic imaging of side-scattering particles1996/11/01English
Book review1999/03/01English
Optical flatness measurement technique for glass substrates1997/03/01English
Diode-laser pumped 1.328 μm Nd:Sr5(PO4)3F miniature laser1997/06/01English
Designing an all-optical packet filtering module for WDM broadcast-and-select star networks2000/07/01English
Performance of CW NYAB laser at 1.06 μm end-pumped by a high-power diode-laser-array2000/04/01English
Plasma cathode TEA Ar laser development1998/04/01English
Diode-pumped Q-switched green laser formed with a flat–flat resonator2001/04/01English
Spectroscopic and laser properties of Nd:Gd0.8La0.2VO4 crystal2001/09/01English
Eu3+-doped glass materials for red luminescence2001/04/01English
Mathematical modeling of TE CO2 laser with SF6 as a saturable absorber1999/11/01English
Quasi-simultaneous ultraviolet and infrared emission from a plasma cathode TEA laser2001/03/01English
High resolution optical heterodyne interferometry using a two-frequency light module1995/08/01English