Journal of Mathematics and Statistics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Discretized Scheme Examining Convergence and Geometric Ratio Profiles for Control Problem Constrained by Evolution Equation2011/02/01
Research of Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment E-Learning on Social Study for Elementary School Students2011/02/01
Mathematical Genesis of the Spatio-Temporal Covariance Functions2011/01/01
Estimating the Parameters of the Negative-Lindley Distribution using Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno2011/01/01
Dissecting Two Approaches to Energy Prices2011/02/01
Modules in σ[M] with Chain Conditions on δ<sub>M</sub>-small Submodules2011/02/01
Half-bounded Numerical Solution of Singular Integral Equations with Cauchy Kernel2011/01/01
Remark on Bi-Ideals and Quasi-Ideals of Variants of Regular Rings2011/01/01
New Bivariate Exponentiated Modified Weibull Distribution2017/04/01
On Concomitants of Ordered Ranked Set Sampling from Morgenstern Family2017/04/01
Analytical Solutions of Riccati Fractional Equation with Coefficients Satisfying Differential Conditions with Arbitrary Function2017/04/01
Interaction Model in Statistical Mechanics2017/04/01
Optimal Ordering Policy with Stock-Dependent Demand Rate Under Retailer&rsquo;s Two Stages Trade Credit Financing Using Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Approach2015/03/01
Nonlinear Piecewise-Defined Difference Equations with Reciprocal Quadratic Terms2015/03/01
Characterizations for the Power Inverse Gaussian and Generalized Inverse Gaussian Distributions Based on Conditional Moments2015/03/01
Optimization of Penalty Parameter in Penalized Nonlinear Canonical Correlation Analysis by using Cross-Validation2015/03/01
Flow and Heat Transfer Profiles in a Square Channel with 45? V-Downstream Orifices2016/04/01
On The Diophantine Equation <i>x<sup>a</sup></i> + <i>y<sup>a</sup> </i>= <i>p<sup>k</sup>z<sup>b</sup></i>2017/01/01
Modelling the Error Term of Australia Gross Domestic Product2016/04/01
Spatial Interaction Image of Electroencephalography Signal during Epileptic Seizure on Flat Electroencephalography2017/01/01
New Bivariate Wrapped Distributions2016/04/01
Numerical Investigation on Performance Improvement in Tube Inserted with Delta Winglets on Discrete Right-Angled Triangular Plates2017/01/01
Numerical Investigation on Turbulent Forced Convection in Heating Channel Inserted with Discrete V-Shaped Baffles2016/01/01
Product Moments of Sample Variances and Correlation for Variables with Bivariate Normal Distribution2016/01/01
Multivariate Option Pricing with Gaussian Mixture Distributions and Mixed Copulas2023/01/01
Stochastic Model for Pricing Normal Bonds when Maturity Periods Cross Over to Pandemic Period2023/01/01
Establishment of Readily Mathematical Formulation for the Evaluation of Slope Stability in Earth-Fill Dams2023/01/01
RBF Approximation of the Lippmann-Schwinger Equation2023/01/01
Ordinal Logistic Regression Analysis in Effective Teaching Practices2024/01/01