Journal of Mathematics and Statistics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Jute Production in Bangladesh: A Time Series Analysis2015/03/0112
Fuzzy Reliability and Fuzzy Availability of the Serial Process in Butter-Oil Processing Plant2009/01/0112
Designing of Child Growth Chart Based on Multi-Response Local Polynomial Modeling2012/03/0111
On Prediction of Depreciation Time of Fossil Fuel in Malaysia2012/01/0111
Teachers’ Perceptions toward the use of GeoGebra in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics2012/02/0110
Forecasting and Modelling Electricity Demand Using Anfis Predictor2011/10/0110
Parameter Estimation for the Double Pareto Distribution2011/10/0110
Prediction Intervals for Future Observations Based on Samples of Random Sizes2018/01/0110
A Comparative Study of the Performances of the OLS and some GLS Estimators when Stochastic Regressors are both Collinear and Correlated with Error Terms2008/04/0110
Estimation of the Mean of Truncated Exponential Distribution2008/04/0110
A Study on the Increase of Numerical Stability and Accuracy of the Transfer Matrix Method2008/04/0110
Construction of Control Charts Using Fuzzy Multinomial Quality2008/01/0110
Modeling Traffic Flow and Management at Un-signalized, Signalized and Roundabout Road Intersections2005/03/0110
Mathematical Models for the Dynamics of Tuberculosis in Density-dependent Populations: The Case of Internally Displaced Peoples’ Camps (IDPCs) in Uganda2005/03/0110
Ordinal Logistic Regression Model: An Application to Pregnancy Outcomes2010/08/0110
A New Block Method for Special Third Order Ordinary Differential Equations2009/03/0110
The Burr X Nadarajah Haghighi Distribution: Statistical Properties and Application to the Exceedances of Flood Peaks Data2019/01/019
Prediction in Complex Dimension Using Kolmogorov's Set of Axioms2010/04/019
Mathematical Model for Waste Reduction in Aluminum Fabrication Industry in Kuwait2010/04/019
Estimation under Multicollinearity: A Comparative Approach Using Monte Carlo Methods2010/04/019
Intervention Model for Analyzing the Impact of Terrorism to Tourism Industry2009/04/019
Ant Colony Optimization for Solving Solid Waste Collection Scheduling Problems2009/03/019
Numerical Solution of First Order Initial Value Problems Using a Self-Starting Implicit Two-Step Obrechkoff-Type Block Method2016/02/019
Note on the Comparison of Some Outlier Labeling Techniques2011/10/019
Mathematics Teachers' Beliefs and Teaching Practices2012/02/019
On the Successive Overrelaxation Method2012/02/019
Solving the Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands via Hybrid Genetic Algorithm-Tabu Search2008/03/019
A New Digital Signature Scheme Based on Factoring and Discrete Logarithms2008/04/019