Title Publication Date Language Citations
ChatGPT for advice on common GI endoscopic procedures: the promise and the peril2023/12/01English
Efficacy of bougie versus balloon dilatation in children with benign esophageal stricture: a propensity score–matched retrospective cohort study2023/12/01English
“Through-Stent-Enterography”: first experience with a novel technique intended to improve safety in endosonographic-guided gastroenterostomy (with video).2024/04/01English
Learning Curve Of Endoscopic-Ultrasound Guided Biliary Duct Drainage : A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis2024/03/01English
Endoscopic ultrasound-guided pancreatic duct drainage: a single center observational study2024/04/01English
Intrathoracic Cholecystitis Managed with Endoscopic Gallbladder Drainage2024/04/01English
Adoption of a Gastroenterology Hospitalist Model and the Impact on Inpatient Endoscopic Practice Volume: A Controlled Interrupted Time Series Analysis2024/04/01English
Effect of Prophylactic Biliary Stent After Stone Clearance in Reducing Recurrence of Adverse Events Among Patients Awaiting Cholecystectomy: An Analysis of the United States Readmission Database2024/04/01English
Industry Perspective: Freezing Our Way to a Cure?2024/04/01English
Mentorship in Advanced Endoscopy: A Conversation with Dr Christopher Thompson2024/04/01English
Endoscopic management of colorectal anastomosis refractory leaks: a journey from conventional to inventive approaches2023/12/01English
Deep learning site classification model for automated photodocumentation in upper GI endoscopy (with video)2023/03/01English
Primary needle-knife fistulotomy versus rescue precut: a systematic review and meta-analysis of outcomes2023/03/01English
Harnessing star power: public figure engagement in GI health promotion in the digital age2023/03/01English
Fish mouth deformity with fish eggs2023/03/01English
A case of diffusely infiltrating colorectal cancer with distinctive endoscopic and histologic findings2023/03/01English
Device failures and patient-related adverse events associated with endoscopic variceal ligation devices: a MAUDE database analysis2023/09/01English
Comparison of clipping and endoscopic band ligation treatment for the colonic wall: an in vivo animal study2023/09/01English
Colorectal submucosal invasive carcinoma with a small mucinous component at the invasive front resulting in heterochronic metastasis2023/09/01English
Long-term outcomes (≥3 years) after gastric peroral endoscopic myotomy for refractory gastroparesis: a systematic review and meta-analysis2023/09/01English
Increased inpatient gastrostomy and jejunostomy tube placement during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic2023/09/01English
Artificial intelligence–assisted colonoscopy for adenoma and polyp detection: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis2023/09/01English
Implementation of an Enhanced Recovery After Surgical Endoscopy protocol to improve outcomes following endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty2023/12/01English
GI bleeding in patients with left ventricular assist device: endoscopic approach and prediction model using supervised machine learning2023/12/01English
Riding (and driving) the endoscopy express over 7 decades2023/09/01English
Successful small-diameter endoscopic hemostasis using a self-assembling peptide matrix for Mallory-Weiss syndrome in a patient with a severe esophageal stricture2023/09/01English
Double-balloon enteroscopy for retrieval of dental prosthesis partially embedded in the jejunum for over 2 months2023/06/01English
Three-dimensional CT reconstruction for visualization of esophageal varices after injection with combined cyanoacrylate and Lipiodol (with video)2023/06/01English
Interobserver agreement between an artificial intelligence algorithm and colon capsule endoscopy readers on bowel-cleansing quality2023/06/01English