Indoor Air

Title Publication Date Language Citations
How far droplets can move in indoor environments ? revisiting the Wells evaporation?falling curve2007/06/01English639
Role of ventilation in airborne transmission of infectious agents in the built environment ? a multidisciplinary systematic review2007/02/01English634
Do indoor pollutants and thermal conditions in schools influence student performance? A critical review of the literature2005/01/01English588
Indoor air quality, ventilation and health symptoms in schools: an analysis of existing information2003/02/28English560
Ozone in Indoor Environments: Concentration and Chemistry2000/12/01English525
Association of Ventilation Rates and CO2 Concentrations with Health andOther Responses in Commercial and Institutional Buildings1999/12/01English468
Ventilation rates and health: multidisciplinary review of the scientific literature2011/02/01English461
Indoor particle dynamics2004/08/01English435
Forty years of Fanger’s model of thermal comfort: comfort for all?2008/06/01English428
Meta-analyses of the associations of respiratory health effects with dampness and mold in homes2007/08/01English424
Droplet fate in indoor environments, or can we prevent the spread of infection?2006/10/01English419
Dampness in Buildings and Health2001/06/01English410
Flow dynamics and characterization of a cough2009/07/21English395
The Effects of Outdoor Air Supply Rate in an Office on Perceived Air Quality, Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) Symptoms and Productivity2000/12/01English386
Risk of indoor airborne infection transmission estimated from carbon dioxide concentration2003/09/01English381
Transmission of SARS‐CoV‐2 by inhalation of respiratory aerosol in the Skagit Valley Chorale superspreading event2020/10/13English372
Concentrations of Volatile Organic Compounds in Indoor Air - A Review1994/06/01English360
Quantitative relationships between occupant satisfaction and satisfaction aspects of indoor environmental quality and building design2011/10/20English351
Characterizing exhaled airflow from breathing and talking2010/02/01English350
Indoor aerosols: from personal exposure to risk assessment2013/05/13English321
On the history of indoor air quality and health2004/08/01English316
Impact of Temperature and Humidity on the Perception of Indoor Air Quality1998/06/01English315
Progress in thermal comfort research over the last twenty years2013/05/16English309
SVOC exposure indoors: fresh look at dermal pathways2012/03/02English303
Thermal comfort and gender: a literature review2011/11/01English303
Does e-cigarette consumption cause passive vaping?2012/07/02English303
Indoor residential chemical emissions as risk factors for respiratory and allergic effects in children: a review2007/08/01English296
Perceived Air Quality, Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) Symptoms and Productivity in an Office with Two Different Pollution Loads1999/09/01English291
Organophosphate and phthalate esters in air and settled dust - a multi-location indoor study2010/11/04English290
Personalized ventilation2004/08/01English286