3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Directionality of Cavities and Porosity Formation in Powder-Bed Laser Additive Manufacturing of Metal Components Investigated Using X-Ray Tomography2016/03/01English30
Pore Closure Effect of Laser Shock Peening of Additively Manufactured AlSi10Mg2019/10/01English30
Oxidation of Ti-6Al-4V During Wire and Arc Additive Manufacture2019/04/01English29
The Value of 3D Printed Models in Understanding Acetabular Fractures2018/03/01English29
Additive Manufacturing in an End-to-End Supply Chain Setting2015/06/01English29
Additive Manufacturing of Transparent Glass Structures2018/12/01English29
Large-Scale Deposition System by an Industrial Robot (I): Design of Fused Pellet Modeling System and Extrusion Process Analysis2016/03/01English29
Data-Driven Material Modeling with Functional Advection for 3D Printing of Materially Heterogeneous Objects2016/06/01English28
Additive Manufacturing of Sustainable Construction Materials and Form-finding Structures: A Review on Recent Progresses2022/02/01English28
Tendon-Driven Functionally Gradient Soft Robotic Gripper 3D Printed with Intermixed Extrudate of Hard and Soft Thermoplastics2019/08/01English27
The Influence of Selected Selective Laser Sintering Technology Process Parameters on Stress Relaxation, Mass of Models, and Their Surface Texture Quality2020/06/01English27
Quality Control of a Laser Additive Manufactured Medical Implant by X-Ray Tomography2016/09/01English27
Osteoconductive Lattice Microarchitecture for Optimized Bone Regeneration2019/03/01English26
Osseointegration of Coarse and Fine Textured Implants Manufactured by Electron Beam Melting and Direct Metal Laser Sintering2017/06/01English26
Additive Manufacturing of Silicone Composites for Soft Actuation2019/12/01English26
Enhanced Osteoblast Response to Porosity and Resolution of Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V Constructs with Trabeculae-Inspired Porosity2016/03/01English26
Benchmarking of Nondestructive Testing for Additive Manufacturing2021/08/01English25
Optimal Design and Manufacture of Active Rod Structures with Spatially Variable Materials2016/12/01English25
Substrate Release Mechanisms for Gas Metal Arc Weld 3D Aluminum Metal Printing2014/12/01English25
A Novel Approach to 3D-Printed Fabrics and Garments2015/09/01English25
Grown, Printed, and Biologically Augmented: An Additively Manufactured Microfluidic Wearable, Functionally Templated for Synthetic Microbes2016/06/01English24
Developing 3D Scaffolds in the Field of Tissue Engineering to Treat Complex Bone Defects2016/06/01English24
3D Printing of Structured Nanotitania Catalysts: A Novel Binder-Free and Low-Temperature Chemical Sintering Method2018/09/01English23
Path Optimization Along Lattices in Additive Manufacturing Using the Chinese Postman Problem2017/06/01English23
Production Techniques for 3D Printed Inflatable Elastomer Structures: Part IIā€”Four-Axis Direct Ink Writing on Irregular Double-Curved and Inflatable Surfaces2018/03/01English23
Mechanical and Structural Evaluation of the PA12 Desktop Selective Laser Sintering Printed Parts Regarding Printing Strategy2021/08/01English23
3D Printed Hierarchical Gyroid Structure with Embedded Photocatalyst TiO2Nanoparticles2017/12/01English23
3D-Printed Hydrogel Technologies for Tissue-Engineered Heart Valves2014/09/01English22
Three-Dimensional Bioprinting of Perfusable Hierarchical Microchannels with Alginate and Silk Fibroin Double Cross-linked Network2020/04/01English22
Three-Dimensional Coprinting of Liquid Metals for Directly Fabricating Stretchable Electronics2018/09/01English22