IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Mechanically Reconfigurable Polarization Converter for Terahertz Waves2024/01/01
Neural Network-Based Design of Two-Focal-Spot Terahertz Diffractive Optical Elements2024/03/01
Silicon-Micromachined Subterahertz Frequency Beam-Steered Dual-Port Array Antenna2024/03/01
IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Information2024/01/01
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology Information for Authors2024/01/01
Table of Contents2024/01/01
TechRxiv: Share Your Preprint Research with the World!2024/01/01
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology Publication Information2024/01/01
A 206–264 GHz Power Amplifier Based on a High-Linearity Cascode Core With 15 dB Gain and 12.2-dBm P sat in 130-nm SiGe BiCMOS2024/03/01
Amplitude/Phase Retrieval for Terahertz Holography With Supervised and Unsupervised Physics-Informed Deep Learning2024/03/01
A 220–320 GHz High Image Rejection Sideband Separating Receiver for Space-Borne Observatories2024/03/01
Array of 296-GHz CMOS Concurrent Transceiver Pixels With Phase and Amplitude Extraction Circuits for Improving Reflection-Mode Imaging Resolution2024/03/01
A 700 GHz Integrated Signal Source Based on 130 nm InP HBT Technology2023/11/01
A Compact Terahertz Multibeam Antenna Based on a Multimode Waveguide Beamforming Structure2024/01/01
2023 Index IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology Vol. 132023/11/01
Modeling Analysis and Research of Terahertz Wave Propagation Experiment at Sea2024/01/01
Beyond 500 GHz THz Wireless Links Based on Heterodyne Photo-mixing and Absolute Operation Pruned Two-Stage MIMO Volterra2024/01/01
Transmission and Confocal Imaging Characteristics of Bendable ABS/Ag-Coated Hollow Waveguide at Low THz Band2023/05/01
Generating and Enhancing THz Pulses via an Antenna-Coupled Unitraveling-Carrier Photodiode Array2023/05/01
Plasmonic Nanocomposite for Active Dielectric Metasurface Terahertz Absorbers2023/07/01
A 201- and 283-GHz Dual-Band Amplifier in 65-Nm CMOS Adopting Dual-Frequency $G_{\max }$-Core With Dual-Band Matching2023/05/01
Room Temperature Absolute Radiometer for Reproduction of Terahertz Radiant Power2023/07/01
A Submillimeter-Wave FMCW Pulse-Doppler Radar to Characterize the Dynamics of Particle Clouds2023/07/01
Metasurface Optics With On-Axis Polarization Control for Terahertz Sensing Applications2023/07/01
A 345-GHz Sideband-Separating Receiver Prototype With Ultra-Wide Instantaneous Bandwidth2023/05/01
Terahertz Dielectric Characterization of Three-Dimensional Organotypic Treated Basal Cell Carcinoma and Corresponding Double Debye Model2023/05/01
Table of Contents2023/03/01
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology Information for Authors2023/03/01
TechRxiv: Share Your Preprint Research with the World!2023/03/01