Environmental Management

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Basic Principles and Ecological Consequences of Altered Flow Regimes for Aquatic Biodiversity2002/10/012,115
Modeling the Spatial Dynamics of Regional Land Use: The CLUE-S Model2002/09/01English974
Biological Effects of Fine Sediment in the Lotic Environment1997/03/01898
Adaptive Comanagement for Building Resilience in Social?Ecological Systems2004/06/23English853
PROFILE: Hungry Water: Effects of Dams and Gravel Mining on River Channels1997/07/01839
A Drinking Water Crisis in Lake Taihu, China: Linkage to Climatic Variability and Lake Management2009/11/14English715
Ecoregions of the Conterminous United States: Evolution of a Hierarchical Spatial Framework2014/09/16English555
An Ecological Perspective on In-Stream Temperature: Natural Heat Dynamics and Mechanisms of Human-CausedThermal Degradation2001/06/30534
Farmers’ Perceptions of Climate Change and Agricultural Adaptation Strategies in Rural Sahel2008/09/23English495
Eutrophication of Lake Waters in China: Cost, Causes, and Control2010/02/23English468
Impacts of Urbanization on Stream Habitat and Fish Across Multiple Spatial Scales2001/03/06452
Undamming Rivers: A Review of the Ecological Impacts of Dam Removal2001/06/30415
A Global Analysis of Protected Area Management Effectiveness2010/09/22English415
Mapping and Modeling the Biogeochemical Cycling of Turf Grasses in the United States2005/07/27English409
Impediments and Solutions to Sustainable, Watershed-Scale Urban Stormwater Management: Lessons from Australia and the United States2008/04/30English391
Water Quality Functions of Riparian Forest Buffers in Chesapeake Bay Watersheds1997/09/01371
Carbon Sequestration in Dryland Ecosystems2003/12/04English351
Basic Principles and Ecological Consequences of Changing Water Regimes: Riparian Plant Communities2002/10/01335
Contribution of Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluents to Nutrient Dynamics in Aquatic Systems: A Review2009/05/21English328
Adaptive Capacity and Community-Based Natural Resource Management2005/05/27English327
A Review of the Main Driving Factors of Forest Fire Ignition Over Europe2012/10/21English324
ENVIRONMENTAL AUDITING: Assessing Biotic Integrity of Streams: Effects of Scale in Measuring the Influence of Land Use/Cover and Habitat Structure on Fish and Macroinvertebrates1999/02/01323
Policy Development for Biodiversity Offsets: A Review of Offset Frameworks2009/11/19English290
Phreatophytic Vegetation and Groundwater Fluctuations: A Review of Current Research and Application of Ecosystem Response Modeling with an Emphasis on Great Basin Vegetation2005/05/27English287
The Influence of Urban Density and Drainage Infrastructure on the Concentrations and Loads of Pollutants in Small Streams2004/05/28English285
Climate Change and River Ecosystems: Protection and Adaptation Options2009/07/14English264
Land Degradation: A Challenge to Ethiopia2001/06/30264
What Is a Good Public Participation Process? Five Perspectives from the Public2001/03/01258
Adaptation to Climate Change in Developing Countries2009/01/31English256
Human Impacts on the Stream-Groundwater Exchange Zone2002/06/01249