FME Transactions

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Commercial aircraft performance improvement using winglets2015/01/0130
CFD modeling of supersonic airflow generated by 2D nozzle with and without an obstacle at the exit section2015/01/01English19
Effect of variable gravity on thermal instability of rotating nanofluid in porous medium2015/01/01English17
Thermal-stress behaviour of RCC gravity dams2015/01/01English11
Calibration of Kinect-type RGB-D sensors for robotic applications2015/01/01English11
combined heating systems of premises for breeding of young pigs and poultry2018/01/01English10
Testing of a standard model in the VTI's large-subsonic wind-tunnel facility to establish users' confidence2014/01/0110
Development of a new air spring dynamic model2014/01/01English9
Tool path generation for milling of free form surfaces with feed rate scheduling2015/01/01English9
10.5937/fmet1403249s = Developing engineering ontology for domain coordinate metrology2014/01/01English9
Experimental and numerical research of a supersonic planar thrust vectoring nozzle via mechanical tabs2014/01/019
The onset of electrohydrodynamic instability of an elastico-viscous Walters' (model B') dielectric fluid layer2015/01/01English8
Vibration analysis of cantilever beam for damage detection2014/01/01English8
The role of ergonomics in the improvement of quality of education2015/01/018
Robust conditions for cutting force minimization in polyamide turning process2015/01/017
Vibration control of resonant vibratory feeders with electromagnetic excitation2014/01/01English7
Operator's reaction time prolongation induced by whole-body vibration2014/01/01English6
Experimental investigation of spillover effect in system of active vibration control2014/01/015
How Industry 4.0 can enhance Lean practices2019/01/01English4
The design of a full flow dilution tunnel with a critical flow Venturi for the measurement of diesel engine particulate emission2015/01/01English4
Finite element modeling of wing bird strike2015/01/01English4
Using Simio to automatically create 3D warehouses and compare different storage strategies2015/01/01English4
A new correlation for pressure drop in the cooling process of Al2O3-water nanofluid in pipes2015/01/01English4
Advanced quaternion forward kinematics algorithm including overview of different methods for robot kinematics2014/01/014
Fatigue of shaft flange bolted joints under preload force and dynamic response2014/01/01English4
Gear tooth rooth stress and fillet radii dependence2014/01/01English4
Analysis the brachistochronic motion of a mechanical system with nonlinear nonholonomic constraint2014/01/01English4
Virtual and rapid prototyping methods applied in civil engineering: Snow, wind and earthquake simulations on a five storey building2017/01/01English4
Anisotropy analysis of turbulent swirl flow2014/01/01English3
Improvement of upsetting process of four-beam workpieces based on computerized and physical modeling2020/01/01English3