Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Computational complexity of the original and extended diophantine Frobenius problem2017/07/01English
Perfect colorings of the infinite circulant graph with distances 1 and 22017/07/01English
Stationary regimes of cooling porous objects with periodically distributed energy-release sources2017/07/01English
Global solvability of the regularized problem of growing hyperelastic materials2017/07/01English
Influence of thermal load on the characteristics of a flow with evaporation2017/04/01English
Differentiation of the energy functional in the equilibrium problem for a Timoshenko plate with a crack on the boundary of an elastic inclusion2017/04/01English
Proof of covering minimality by generalizing the notion of independence2017/04/01English
Enumeration of labeled outerplanar bicyclic and tricyclic graphs2017/04/01English
On weak solutions to evolution equations of viscoelastic fluid flows2017/04/01English
Asymptotic approximation for the number of n-vertex graphs of given diameter2017/04/01English
On distance Gray codes2017/04/01English
Perfect binary codes of infinite length2017/04/01English
Complexity of sequential computations of partial Boolean functions by circuits2008/06/01English
Global solvability of the equations of one-dimensional nonisothermic motion of a two-phase mixture. I. Statement of the problem and auxiliary assertions2008/06/01English
Depth of Boolean functions over an arbitrary infinite basis2008/06/01English
Symmetric spaces of graphs2008/06/01English
Circuit design of an adder of small depth2008/06/01English
An approximation algorithm for finding a d-regular spanning connected subgraph of maximum weight in a complete graph with random weights of edges2008/06/01English
Survey of the methods for constructing nonlinear perfect binary codes2008/06/01English
Reducibility of bilevel programming problems to vector optimization problems2008/06/01English
Controlling the shape of a crack in an elastic body under the condition of a possible contact of edges2008/06/01English
Harpedonaptae and abstract convexity2008/06/01English
Approximate solution to a boundary value problem for the Lyapunov differential equation with a parameter2008/06/01English
On possibility of refining bounds for the delay of a parallel adder2008/06/01English
Use of the pseudoinverse matrix of a factor pattern in the measurement of factors2012/04/01English
Flow around an ellipsoid of revolution in a harmonic coaxial vector field2012/04/01English
Equilibrium resource distribution in a network model2007/09/01English
A numerical method for a system of equations with a small parameter and a point source on an infinite interval2007/09/01English
A completeness theorem in the class of quasimonotonic functions2007/09/01English
Asymptotics of the complexity of systems of integer linear forms for additive computations2007/09/01English