Proceedings of the Physical Society. Section B

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Field Emission from Semiconductors1955/10/0161
Supersonic Dislocations and Dislocations in Dispersive Media1956/10/0160
The Determination of Infra-Red Absorption Spectra from Reflection Measurements1953/11/0160
Contact Potential Difference Measurements by the Kelvin Method1957/07/0160
The Thermal Conductivity of Rare Gases1952/09/0160
An Interferometric Method of Studying Local Variations in the Refractive Indices of a Solid1952/01/0159
Indentation Hardness of Glass as an Energy Scaling Law1956/01/0157
Photoelectromagnetic and Photodiffusion Effects in Germanium1953/09/0156
Surface Tensions in the System Solid Copper-Molten Lead1950/05/0156
The Aberration Permissible in Optical Systems1957/05/0156
The Statistics of Charge Carrier Fluctuations in Semiconductors1956/10/0155
Conductivity, Hall Effect and Thermo-electric Power of Selenium Single Crystals1951/08/0154
Absorption and Dispersion of Indium Antimonide1957/08/0153
Electrical and Optical Properties of a Semiconducting Diamond1956/03/0153
The Refractive Indices of Water Vapour, Air, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Deuterium and Helium1953/03/0153
Electroluminescence in Single Crystals of Zinc Sulphide1955/10/0152
The Theory of the Propagation of Plane Sound Waves in Tubes1953/08/0152
Crystal Structures of Gutta Percha1953/01/0150
Multiple-Beam Interferometry: Intensity Distribution in the Reflected System1949/07/0149
Current Limitation in the Low-Pressure Mercury Arc1954/10/0149
The Physical Basis of Life1949/10/0148
Scintillation Decay Times of Organic Crystals1956/03/0147
A Study of the Impact of Spheres on Plates1954/09/0147
Stress Birefringence in Polyethylene1951/02/0147
The Properties of Ferromagnetic Compounds at Centimetre Wavelengths1950/02/0147
A Theory of Contact Noise in Semiconductors1950/10/0146
Modification of the Peierls-Nabarro Model for Edge Dislocation Core1955/12/0146
The True Contact Area Between Solids1954/04/0146
A Coaxial-Cylinder Elastoviscometer1951/01/0146
The Effect of Temperature on the Mechanical Properties and the Friction of Plastics1953/09/0144