Plastics vs. corrosives, Raymond B. Seymour, Wiley‐Interscience, New York, 1982, 285 pp. Price: $47.50 | 1982/08/01 | English | |
Peptide synthesis (2nd ed.), Miklos Bodanszky, Yakir S. Klausner, and Miguel A. Ondetti, Wiley‐Interscience, New York, 1976, 208 pp. | 1977/02/01 | English | |
Announcements | 1977/06/01 | English | |
Announcement | 1981/05/01 | English | |
Adsorption of polymers [Russian], Yu. S. Lipatov and L. M. Sergeeva, Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 1972. 196 pp. Price Rubles: 1.47. | 1973/03/01 | English | |
Lectures on viscoelasticity theory, A. C. Pipkin, Springer‐Verlag, New York, Heidelberg, Berlin, 1972. 180 pp. $6.50 | 1973/04/01 | English | |
Announcements | 1976/02/01 | English | |
Copolymerization of carbon dioxide and N‐phenylethyleneimine | 1973/07/01 | English | |
Cyclic monomers (high polymers, vol. 26), K. C. Frisch, Ed., Wiley‐Interscience, New York, 1972. 608 pp. $29.95 | 1973/03/01 | English | |
Macromolecular syntheses vol. 5, Emerson L. Wittbecker, Ed., John Wiley, New York, 1974, 114 pp. $9.95 | 1975/01/01 | English | |
Announcements | 1975/01/01 | English | |
Nylon plastics, M. I. Kohan, Ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1973, 683 pp. $38.50 | 1975/01/01 | English | |
Developments in rubber technology‐2, A. Whelan and K. S. Lee, Eds., Applied Science Publishers, Essex, England, 275 pp. No price given | 1981/12/01 | English | |
Announcements | 1977/09/01 | English | |
Some intrinsic properties of schiff base polymers | 1977/03/01 | English | |
Plastic foams, part I, K. C. Frisch and J. H. Saunders, Eds., Marcel Dekker, New York, 1972, 450 pp. | 1975/10/01 | English | |
Comportement thermique des polymeres synthetiques, F. Rocaboy Masson & Cie, Paris, France, 1972. 281 pp. | 1972/10/01 | English | |
Announcements | 1975/12/01 | English | |
Announcements | 1975/07/01 | English | |
Stress analysis of polymers, J. G. Williams, Halsted Press, New, York, 1973. 275 pp. $16.95 | 1973/04/01 | English | |
Compendium of organic synthetic methods, Vol. 3, Louis S. Hegedus and Leroy G. Wade, Jr., Wiley‐Interscience, New York, 495 pp., $17.00 | 1978/01/01 | English | |
Announcemets | 1972/12/01 | English | |
Electrochemical polymerization of trioxane with tetraethylammonium hexachloroantimonate | 1973/12/01 | English | |
Ion‐containing polymers: Physical properties and structure, vol. 2, polymer physics, A. Eisenberg and M. King, Academic, New York, 1977, 287 pp., $27.50. | 1978/02/01 | English | |
Announcements | 1978/04/01 | English | |
Charged and reactive polymers, volume 3 – charged gels and membranes (part I), E. Selegny, G. Boyd and H. P. Gregor, Eds., Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht‐Holland/Boston, 1976 | 1977/03/01 | English | |
Dispersion Polymerization in Organic Media, K. E. J. Barrett, Ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1975, 322 pp., $27.50. | 1975/09/01 | English | |
Introduction to polymer viscoelasticity, J. J. Aklonis, W. J. Mac‐Knight, and M. Shen, Eds., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1972. 249 pp. $14.95 | 1973/01/01 | English | |
Announcements | 1973/07/01 | English | |
Announcement | 1979/11/01 | English | |