Netherlands Journal of Sea Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Recruitment in marine fishes: Is it regulated by starvation and predation in the egg and larval stages?1994/07/01English464
The European regional seas ecosystem model, a complex marine ecosystem model1995/07/01English362
Tidal asymmetry and estuarine morphology1986/08/01English342
Flocculation and de-flocculation of suspended matter in estuaries1986/08/01English334
Transport and accumulation of suspended matter in the Dutch Wadden Sea1961/04/01English278
Mixing and flushing of tidal embayments in the western Dutch Wadden Sea part I: Distribution of salinity and calculation of mixing time scales1976/09/01English250
Some factors influencing the recruitment and establishment of marine benthic communities1966/08/01English220
Metabolism, food consumption and growth of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) and flounder (Platichthys flesus) in relation to fish size and temperature1992/06/01English218
On the interrelationships between morphology of the alimentary tract, food and feeding behaviour in flatfishes (pisces: pleuronectiformes)1971/04/01English210
How the food supply harvestable by waders in the Wadden Sea depends on the variation in energy density, body weight, biomass, burying depth and behaviour of tidal-flat invertebrates1993/12/01English208
Local and global aspects of the bottom nepheloid layers in the world ocean1986/08/01English190
Primary production of the benthic microflora living on tidal flats in the dutch wadden sea1974/10/01English174
Seasonal variations in biochemical composition of mytilus edulis with reference to energy metabolism and gametogenesis1980/09/01English166
Benthic marine fauna structured by hydrodynamic processes and food availability1995/12/01English152
Organochlorine and heavy metal residues in harbour seals from the wadden sea and their possible effects on reproduction1980/09/01English146
A quantitative analysis of the food intake of North Sea cod, Gadus Morhua1973/12/01English144
Dissolved organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in the sea1961/04/01English137
Monsoonal alternation of a mixed and a layered structure in the phytoplankton of the euphotic zone of the banda sea (Indonesia): a mathematical analysis of algal pigment fingerprints1988/07/01English136
Annual food intake by plaice and flounder in a tidal flat area in the dutch wadden sea, with special reference to consumption of regenerating parts of macrobenthic prey1979/10/01English133
13C in atmospheric CO21986/08/01English131
The tidal whirlpool: A review of horizontal dispersion by tidal and residual currents1986/08/01English126
Growth and development of four calanoid copepod species under experimental and natural conditions1982/12/01English123
Hydrography and silica budget of the Angola Basin1984/10/01English123
On the orientation of migrating elvers (Anguilla vulgaris turt.) in a tidal area1961/11/01English122
Seasonal changes in the biomass of the macro-benthos of a tidal flat area in the Dutch Wadden Sea1974/05/01English121
Changes in oxygen consumption, heart rate and ventilation accompanying starvation in the decapod crustacean cancer pagurus1973/08/01English117
Current 14C methods for measuring primary production: Gross underestimates in oceanic waters1979/10/01English108
Middle and late quaternary oceanography and climatology of the Zaire-Congo fan and the adjacent Eastern Angola basin1984/10/01English108
Primary production of phytoplankton in the Dutch Wadden Sea1974/10/01English107
The phytoplankton spring bloom in Dutch coastal waters of the North Sea1975/09/01English105