SIAM Journal on Algebraic Discrete Methods

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Iterative Methods for Computing Stationary Distributions of Nearly Completely Decomposable Markov Chains1984/06/01English47
The Cyclic Coloring Problem and Estimation of Sparse Hessian Matrices1986/04/01English47
A Combinatorial Construction of Perfect Codes1983/09/01English47
Covering Multigraphs by Simple Circuits1985/07/01English46
On the Computation of the Competition Number of a Graph1982/12/01English46
Topological Bandwidth1985/07/01English46
A New Formulation for the Travelling Salesman Problem1984/03/01English45
Threshold Sequences1981/03/01English42
On the Voronoi Regions of Certain Lattices1984/09/01English42
A Problem with Telephones1981/03/01English42
Polya’s Urn Model and Computer Aided Geometric Design1985/01/01English41
Bounds on the Reliability Polynomial for Shellable Independence Systems1982/06/01English41
Single Facility $l_p $-Distance Minimax Location1980/09/01English41
Worst-Case Analysis of Network Design Problem Heuristics1980/03/01English41
The Optimal Lattice Quantizer in Three Dimensions1983/03/01English40
The Class of Mean Residual Lives and Some Consequences1982/03/01English39
Covering Regions by Rectangles1981/12/01English38
On the Problem of Partitioning Planar Graphs1982/06/01English38
The Bandwidth of Caterpillars with Hairs of Length 1 and 21981/12/01English37
The Relationship Between Convex Games and Minimum Cost Spanning Tree Games: A Case for Permutationally Convex Games1982/09/01English37
An $O(n^2 )$ Algorithm for Coloring Proper Circular Arc Graphs1981/06/01English35
Upper and Lower Bounds on the Complexity of the Min-Cut Linear Arrangement Problem on Trees1982/03/01English35
Disjoint Paths—A Survey1985/04/01English34
Volterra Multipliers I1985/10/01English34
Representations of $\mathfrak{sl}( 2,\mathbb{C} )$ on Posets and the Sperner Property1982/06/01English34
Bisection of Circle Colorings1985/01/01English34
Mathematical Aspects of the Relative Gain Array $( A \circ A^{ - T} )$1986/10/01English32
On the Characteristic Equations of the Characteristic Polynomial1985/01/01English32
Volterra Multipliers II1985/10/01English32
Runs, Slides and Moments1983/12/01English31