Journal of Experimental Psychology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Frequency discrimination as a function of frequency of repetition and trials.1971/07/01English
Proactive interference in short-term recognition and recall memory.1972/10/01English
Perceptual deficit due to division of attention between memory and perception.1971/01/01English
Effects of modality and similarity on context recall.1972/01/01English
Continuous judgments of word frequency and familiarity.1972/09/01English
Massed and spaced practice in paired-associate learning: List versus item distributions.1971/07/01English
Magnitude judgments and difference judgments of lightness and darkness: A two-stage analysis.1974/01/01English
Instrument for marking the temperature spots on the skin.1925/12/01English
Effect of sentence context on word perception.1973/12/01English
Regression effect and individual power functions over sessions.1974/05/01English
Backward and forward masking as a function of number of letters, interstimulus interval, and luminance.1971/01/01English
The spatial threshold of touch in blind and in seeing children.1925/12/01English
Hipp chronoscope without springs.1917/04/01English
Sensitivity and response bias effects in the learning of familiar and unfamiliar associations by rote or with a mnemonic.1971/09/01English
The variability of affective judgments upon odors.1931/02/01English
Conditional and biconditional rule difficulty under selection and reception conditions.1971/01/01English
Verbal discrimination learning of items read in textual material.1973/12/01English
Resistance to extinction in GSR conditioning: Effects of postpeak CR training and preextinction rest.1971/01/01English
Distribution of repeated and nonrepeated target elements and short-term recognition memory.1972/01/01English
Long-term retention after acquisition under different conditions of practice.1972/08/01English
Stimulus location as a factor in associative symmetry.1973/11/01English
Deprivation level and frustration in the rat: Effect of deprivation level on persistence of the partial reinforcement effect.1973/01/01English
Error reinforcement in a modified serial perceptual-motor task.1957/01/01English
Modality and the transformation problem in paired-associate learning of children.1974/11/01English
Time-intensity equivalence relations for auditory pulse trains.1973/01/01English
Binaural supplementation of the auditory intensive threshold.1958/01/01English
Subjective scale of force for a large muscle group.1962/01/01English
A note on auditory theories.1927/02/01English
Measurement of a motor set.1943/01/01English
An inexpensive, noiseless memory apparatus.1942/04/01English