A study in phonetic symbolism. | 1929/06/01 | English | 395 |
Cerebral states during sleep, as studied by human brain potentials. | 1937/08/01 | English | 393 |
Analysis of rehearsal processes in free recall. | 1971/07/01 | English | 391 |
Discriminability and stimulus generalization. | 1956/01/01 | English | 383 |
False recognition produced by implicit verbal responses. | 1965/07/01 | English | 374 |
Perceived order in different sense modalities. | 1961/11/01 | English | 365 |
Conditioned fear as revealed by magnitude of startle response to an auditory stimulus. | 1951/01/01 | English | 361 |
Universals in color naming and memory. | 1972/01/01 | English | 357 |
The role of auditory localization in attention and memory span. | 1954/01/01 | English | 348 |
Studies in space orientation. IV. Further experiments on perception of the upright with displaced visual fields. | 1948/01/01 | English | 345 |
Adaptation, after-effect and contrast in the perception of curved lines. | 1933/02/01 | English | 329 |
Processing of visual feedback in rapid movements. | 1968/01/01 | English | 328 |
Effects of discrimination training on stimulus generalization. | 1959/11/01 | English | 323 |
The association value of random shapes. | 1959/01/01 | English | 309 |
The refractory phase of voluntary and associative responses. | 1931/02/01 | English | 299 |
Word recognition as a function of retinal locus. | 1952/01/01 | English | 294 |
Simultaneous brightness induction as a function of inducing- and test-field luminances. | 1955/01/01 | English | 292 |
"Fate" of first-list associations in transfer theory. | 1959/08/01 | English | 291 |
Speed of adding and comparing numbers. | 1970/02/01 | English | 287 |
Brightness constancy and the nature of achromatic colors. | 1948/01/01 | English | 283 |
Retention of abstract ideas. | 1970/02/01 | English | 283 |
Primary auditory stream segregation and perception of order in rapid sequences of tones. | 1971/01/01 | English | 280 |
Retention of visual and name codes of single letters. | 1969/01/01 | English | 277 |
S-R compatibility: Correspondence among paired elements within stimulus and response codes. | 1954/01/01 | English | 276 |
S-R compatibility and the idea of a response code. | 1971/01/01 | English | 276 |
Associative encoding and retrieval: Weak and strong cues. | 1970/11/01 | English | 275 |
Averaging versus adding as a stimulus-combination rule in impression formation. | 1965/01/01 | English | 274 |
Recognition memory for a rapid sequence of pictures. | 1969/01/01 | English | 270 |
The dependence of interresponse times upon the relative reinforcement of different interresponse times. | 1956/01/01 | English | 269 |
Response-induced reversals of preference in gambling: An extended replication in Las Vegas. | 1973/11/01 | English | 268 |