International Affairs Review Supplement

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Jamaica: The Blessed Island1941/06/01
The French Colonial Empire1941/06/01
The Foreign Trade of Latin America, Part I, Trade of Latin America with the World and with the United States1943/09/01
Le Statut Juridique Actuel des Portes Maritimes Orientales de la Mediterranee (Les Detroits-Le Canal de Suez)1940/10/01
The Irish Free State and Its Senate: A Study in Contemporary Politics1940/12/01
The Eastern Question. An Historical Study in European Diplomacy1940/12/01
Robbery under Law: The Mexican Object Lesson1940/06/01
War and Peace in the Pacific: A Preliminary Report of the Institute of Pacific Relations Eighth Conference1943/09/01
Problems of the Pacific: A Review1941/06/01
The Second Imperalist War1940/12/01
A Key to Victory: A Study in War Planning1940/10/01
The Independence of Georgia in International Politics, 1918-19211940/12/01
Let's Face the Facts1941/06/01
Shadow of the Swastika1940/10/01
Fijian Frontier1940/06/01
The Quest for Security in New Zealand1942/09/01
Reparation at the Paris Peace Conference from the Standpoint of the American Delegation1940/12/01
Economic Fluctuations in the United States and the United Kingdom 1918-19221943/09/01
Where Japan Stands: Addresses Devlivered in America on the Sino-Japanese Conflict1941/06/01
Benes of Czecho-Slovakia1940/10/01
Neutrality, 19411942/06/01
Why France Lost the War1940/12/01
Problems of Modern Europe1941/06/01
Banking and Finance in China1943/09/01
A Diplomatic History of the American People1940/06/01
Democracy To-Day and To-Morrow1940/10/01
The Statute of Westminster and Dominion Status1942/09/01
L'Evolution Economique de l'Indochine Francaise1940/10/01
Recent Revelations of European Diplomacy1940/06/01
Stalin: Czar of All the Russias1940/06/01