
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Interactions, Relationships and Social Structure1976/03/01486
Egalitarian Societies1982/09/01477
The Seed-Eaters: A New Model of Hominid Differentiation Based on a Baboon Analogy1970/03/01420
Anthropology and Psychology: Towards an Epidemiology of Representations1985/03/01297
The Gift, the Indian Gift and the 'Indian Gift'1986/09/01295
Alternative Archaeologies: Nationalist, Colonialist, Imperialist1984/09/01234
Attention Structure as the Basis of Primate Rank Orders1967/12/01225
Evidence for a Social Custom in Wild Chimpanzees?1978/06/01221
The Past and the Present in the Present1977/08/01201
Measuring the Rate of Spread of Early Farming in Europe1971/12/01198
Chimpanzees, Tools, and Termites: Cross-Cultural Comparisons of Senegal, Tanzania, and Rio Muni1979/06/01167
The Magical Power of Words1968/06/01158
Natural Modifications to Bones in a Temperate Setting1985/12/01156
An Ape's View of the Oldowan1989/09/01155
The Evolutionary Emergence of Modern Human Behaviour: Language and its Archaeology1991/06/01151
The Past as a Scarce Resource1981/06/01139
2. African Models in the New Guinea Highlands1962/01/01138
Anthropological Conceptions of Religion: Reflections on Geertz1983/06/01137
Why is the Cassowary Not a Bird? A Problem of Zoological Taxonomy Among the Karam of the New Guinea Highlands1967/03/01135
Nuer and Dinka Are People: Ecology, Ethnicity and Logical Possibility1976/12/01132
Fetishised Objects and Humanised Nature: Towards an Anthropology of Technology1988/06/01127
Heads or Tails? Two Sides of the Coin1986/12/01126
Polythetic Classification: Convergence and Consequences1975/09/01125
What is Gossip About? An Alternative Hypothesis1967/06/01121
Coping with Risk: Reciprocity Among the Basarwa of Northern Botswana1985/09/01120
Cognitive Evolution in Primates: Evidence from Tactical Deception1992/09/01120
Wealth in People and Self-Realization in Equatorial Africa1993/06/01115
Language, Anthropology and Cognitive Science1991/06/01114
An Anthropologist Looks at Biology1990/06/01111
199. Culture Contact and Schismogenesis1935/12/01109