South Central Review

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Still Following Percy1997/01/01
Extreme Right-Wing Reactions to Charles de Gaulle's "Memoires de Guerre": A Scene from the French Civil War2000/01/01
The Modern American Novel of Violence2002/01/01
Canon and Reception: The Rural Dramas of Jose Lopez Pinillos1993/01/01
Sacred Places: American Tourist Attractions in the Nineteenth Century1992/01/01
Closet Writing/Gay Reading: The Case of Melville's "Pierre"1996/01/01
Hermann Hesse's Fictions of the Self: Autobiography and Confessional Imagination1991/01/01
The Fate of the Story Teller in Eudora Welty's "The Hitch-Hikers"1985/01/01
Whiteness Visible: The Meaning of Whiteness in American Literature and Culture2000/01/01
Of Chastity and Power: Elizabethan Literature and the Unmarried Queen1991/01/01
"One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest": Rising to Heroism1990/01/01
The Bottom Translation: Marlowe and Shakespeare and the Carnival Tradition1988/01/01
Thomas Hardy: Distracted Preacher?1991/01/01
Alliteration, Assonance and the Sense of Finality in Goethe's "Braut von Korinth"1987/01/01
The Art of Rupture: Narrative Desire and Duplicity in the Tales of Guy de Maupassant1998/01/01
American Poetry and Japanese Culture1985/01/01
Nature into Art: Cultural Transformations in Nineteenth-Century Britain1991/01/01
Myth and History in the Contemporary Spanish Novel1991/01/01
The Art & Vision of Flannery O'Connor1991/01/01
On Cervantes: Essays for L.A. Murillo1992/01/01
"Something of Ourselves": The 1996 SCMLA Presidential Address1998/01/01
The Web of Iniquity: Early Detective Fiction by American Women2001/01/01
Vasiliy Grossman: The Genesis and Evolution of a Russian Heretic1998/01/01
Find the Director and Other Hitchcock Games1992/01/01
Deviant Modernism: Sexual and Textual Errancy in T. S. Eliot, James Joyce, and Marcel Proust2000/01/01
American Romanticism and the Marketplace1986/01/01
Poetry and Contemplation in St. John of the Cross1989/01/01
Jack London: A Study of the Short Fiction2000/01/01
Modern American Fiction: Form and Function1989/01/01
Paris and the Nineteenth Century1994/01/01