Technology and Culture

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Journal of Glass Studies, Vol. VIII1967/04/01
Olai Borrichii Itinerarium 1660-1665: The Journal of the Danish Polyhistor Ole Borch1986/04/01
The Oakham Canal1970/04/01
Business and Government in the Oil Industry: A Case Study of Sun Oil, 1876-19451981/07/01
The Taxicab: An Urban Transportation Survivor1984/01/01
Workers in the Industrial Revolution1975/10/01
Fourteenth and G, Washington, D. C., Summer of '411998/10/01
Vision and Value1966/01/01
Men and Ideas in Engineering: Twelve Histories from Illinois1968/04/01
A History of the Waterways Experiment Station, 1929-19791980/07/01
Kulturelle Beziehungen zwischen Nurnberg und den Deutschen im Sudosten im 14. bis 16. Jahrhundert1972/04/01
Gateway Cities and Other Essays1991/04/01
Superpower: The Making of a Steam Locomotive1988/10/01
Public History: An Introduction1988/04/01
The Rice Economies: Technology and Development in Asian Societies1989/07/01
The Corliss at Pullman1984/01/01
Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, 1917 to 19301973/01/01
The Conservation Response1977/07/01
Urban Growth and City-Systems in the United States, 1840-18601982/07/01
Franklin of Philadelphia1988/01/01
Local Attachments: The Making of an American Urban Neighborhood, 1850 to 19201996/04/01
Mining the Summit: Colorado's Ten Mile District, 1860-19601988/04/01
Slide Mountain, or the Folly of Owning Nature1996/07/01
Juanelo Turriano, Charles V's Clockmaker: The Man and His Legend1988/04/01
History of Technology, Fifth Annual Volume1982/04/01
From Field to Factory1979/10/01
The Portsmouth Blockmaking Machinery1966/01/01
Pipeline or Grapevine: The Changing Communications Environment1980/04/01
World Design Science Decade, 1965-1975: Phase I (1963) Document 1, Inventory of World Resources, Human Trends, and Needs; Phase I (1964) Document 2, The Design Initiative1965/01/01
"175th Anniversary Symposium of the U.S. Patent System" (April 8, 1965), "Journal of the Patent Office Society", XLVII, Nos. 7 and 81966/01/01