Technology and Culture

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Economic Development and the Transfer of Technology: Some Historical Perspectives1970/10/0130
Technology Transfer and Agricultural Development1973/04/0129
The Technocratic Image and the Theory of Technocracy1982/07/0129
The Role of Automata in the History of Technology1964/01/0128
Flexibility and Mass Production at War: Aircraft Manufacture in Britain, the United States, and Germany, 1939-19451995/01/0128
"Touch Someone": The Telephone Industry Discovers Sociability1988/01/0128
Household Technology and Social Status: Rising Living Standards and Status and Residence Differences in Housework1978/07/0128
The Adoption of Standard Time1989/01/0127
The Technological Order1962/01/0127
Algae Burgers for a Hungry World? The Rise and Fall of Chlorella Cuisine1997/07/0127
Vannevar Bush and the Differential Analyzer: The Text and Context of an Early Computer1986/01/0127
Perkin's Mauve: Ancestor of the Organic Chemical Industry1990/01/0126
The Emergence of Basic Research in the Bell Telephone System, 1875-19151981/07/0126
The Confusion between Science and Technology in the Standard Philosophies of Science1966/01/0125
Three Approaches to Big Technology: Operations Research, Systems Engineering, and Project Management1997/10/0125
Steam Engines in 18th-Century Britain: A Quantitative Assessment1980/04/0123
From Virginia Dare to Virginia Slims: Women and Technology in American Life1979/01/0123
Science and Engineering Theory in the Invention and Development of the Induction Motor, 1880-19001987/04/0123
Through the Looking Glass, or News from Lake Mirror Image1987/07/0122
Bursting Boilers and the Federal Power1966/01/0122
German Prince-Practitioners: Aspects in the Development of Courtly Science, Technology, and Procedures in the Renaissance1981/04/0122
A Model for Technological Change Applied to the Turbojet Revolution1973/10/0122
The Introduction of the Loading Coil: George A. Campbell and Michael I. Pupin1970/01/0122
Boys and Their Toys: The Fisher Body Craftsman's Guild, 1930-1968, and the Making of a Male Technical Domain1997/01/0122
High-Technology Calculation in the Early 20th Century: Punched Card Machinery in Business and Government1990/10/0122
Priests and Programmers: Technologies of Power in the Engineered Landscape of Bali1992/07/0121
Household Technology and the Social Construction of Housework1984/01/0121
Marx, Machines, and Skill1990/10/0121
The Harmony of Theory and Practice: The Engineering Science of W. J. M. Rankine1982/01/0121
McLuhan's Laws of the Media1975/01/0120