Journal of the Royal Statistical Society

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Co-Operation in Marketing Dairy Products.1932/01/01
Tables of the Higher Mathematical Functions. Vol. II.1936/01/01
Political Economy.1907/09/01
Ocean Traffic and Trade.1915/03/01
Mouvement des Prix et des Salaires Pendant la Guerre.1927/01/01
An Attempt to Show from what Class the Out-Patients of a Voluntary Hospital are Drawn1911/05/01
British Public Finance in Peace and War1941/01/01
Elements of Statistics.1927/01/01
This Money Business, A Simple Account of the Institutions and Working of the Banking and Financial World.1933/01/01
Factory Inspection: A Thirty-Five Years Retrospect1941/01/01
Les Mathematiques Appliquees a l'Economie Politique.1914/06/01
Seventy-Fourth Annual Report of the Registrar-General of Births, Deaths and Marriages in England and Wales.1913/12/01
The Financing of British Agriculture1941/01/01
Money, Gold, Silver and Paper.1933/01/01
Report Upon Large-Scale Co-Operative Marketing in the United States of America.1926/05/01
How to Compete with Foreign Cloth.1931/01/01
Emigration from the British Isles.1930/01/01
American Population Before the Federal Census of 1790.1933/01/01
The Growth of Municipal and National Expenditure. The Annual Address of the Right Hon. Lord Avebury, F.R.S., D.C.L., LL.D., President of the Royal Statistical Society, Session 1900-01. Delivered 19th February, 19011901/03/01
State Experiments in New Zealand
The Problem of Trust and Monopoly Control.1929/01/01
The Limits of Industrial Employment (II). The Influence of Growth of Population on the Development of Industry1935/01/01
Prices of Commodities in 19141915/03/01
Modern Monetary Systems.1928/01/01
Des Crises Generales et Periodiques de Surproduction.1907/03/01
England's Recent Progress: An Investigation of the Statistics of Migrations, Mortality, in the Twenty Years from 1881 to 1901, as Indicating Tendencies Towards the Growth or Decay of Particular Communities.1911/07/01
Note on a Heterotypic Frequency Distribution1922/05/01
The Annual Address of Major Patrick George Craigie, C.B., President of the Royal Statistical Society, Session 1903-04. Delivered 17th November, 19031903/12/01
The Price of Government Publications1923/01/01